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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৮

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।
[ iv ]

piler is a laborious, diligent, and meritorious individual, and we have great pleasure in recommending his work to more general notice.”[]

 Another eminent oriental scholar now in India says:–“Your Bengāli and English Dictionary I have often consulted with advantage, and should be ready to recommend it any day even in its previous form.”

 In conclusion, the compiler begs leave to say that should his work be deemed deserving of encouragement from a generous public, he humbly trusts that a share of their patronage may be kindly extended to it.

 Сalcutta, January, 1851.

to the third Edition.

 The compiler begs to announce to the public that in the present edition he has introduced, partly in the body of the work, and partly in an Appendix, numerous rare, though useful words, omitted in the former edition, and many others collected from various sources, but chiefly from the late Dr. Carey's Bengáli Dictionary. The work has been condensed and compressed in printing with a view to economy, so as to bring it within a reasonable size and price, without causing the least confusion, by striking out many words of Persian or Arabic origin seldom looked for in a Bengáli Dictionary.

 The Compiler further begs to state that, without in the least wishing to be ostentatious, he has availed himself of the present opportunity, for inserting another testimonial to his labours, the opinion of a well-known oriental scholar regarding the work, entitled, “Abridgement of, and Companion to, Johnson’s Dictionary: English and Bengáli and vice versa.”—The learned critic says:—“This is the title of a new edition, just issued, of a work which has been long before the public. We have long been acquainted with the second of these volumes, and found it to be, for all ordinary purposes, the most handy of all Bengáli and English dictionaries. It is much more complete than either Morton’s or Marshman’s, and not much more bulky than the latter. In this new edition the number of pages has been reduced, principally by condensing the explanations of Bengáli words. The paper also is better than before. We have not had time to examine the new edition carefully, nor to test the English and Bengáli volume. But from our acquaintance with the Compiler, we have no hesitation in recommending the work most cordially.”[]

 The compiler begs to tender his grateful thanks to the generous and discerning public for the prompt disposal of the second edition of his dictionary. To supply the urgent demand for his work, he has been induced to publish the present edition with great labour and at a heavy outlay, trusting solely in their generosity to indemnify him, by patronizing the work.-Sept. 1856.

  1. Vide Calcutta Christian Observer for 1838.
  2. Ibid. March, 1851.