কাণু stol, a wooden, hard: e. a wood-cutter. *sofoil, s, one who cuts and sells wood. কাড়, v. a, to cleanse, to take out of, to take out from, to snatch, to seize. *Too, e. a taking out of or from, a snatching or seizing, the act of cleaning. otol, v. to await an omen by the fall of flowers placedon the head ofan image. zos;1, a cleansed out: 8, a sort of drum; -offs, hooked stick to clean an oil-mill. *Totossy, s. a reciprocal snatching. *Rysz, s, the expecting of the fall of flowers which is laid on the head of an idol. stol, s, the ear; -wl, to listen, to hearken; -soi, to pull or twist one's ears. *Togol, s, the gills of a fish. zoolossfist, s. a kind of insect, julus. zgțelorgfsgil, a.quickofhearing, retentive. কাণ খড়িকা, খুটনী, -খুকসী, s. an earzate afişi, a listening, attentive. Epick. zotosì1, 8, a fungus growing on trees. atofort, s. a lock of hair on the temples. zotovil, s. an ornament for the ear. zotovisol, g. a painful tumour in the ear. zoforsal, s, the flap of the ear. zotovitsø, a quick of hearing, babbling. zotostoffs, s. the prejudicing of a person. zotoetoia, s. a whispered slander. zgßISIzil, <fq;{591, s. the same as কাগুটি, zolossos, zossassigs, s. name of a fish.” *I-1, a blind, one-eyed, perforated, broken: s. brim or edge of a cup or pot. assogifo, ad, ear to ear, by whispers; to the brim: s. a whispering, tête-à-tête. offs, e. place under the hinder eaves. assassol, a situated under the hinder eaves: 5. an eaves-dropper. zofeify, s. act of listening,eaves-dropping; -oisol, a listener, an eaves-dropper. zotato, s. the curtains or walls of a tent. assososol, a broken at the brim or edge. zofo, s. a rag, tatter, a piece of cloth; a moulding; the jaggon the top of a post; the end or corner of a sail: a, eared. associal, tattered, ragged, poor, pennyless: s. a tatterdemalion. [warning. *Ioff, s, pulling or twisting of the ears, a [ 71 || কানী
- ILofts, nd, to the brim; in the ear. ofosyl, a. obsequious, attentive, servilely obedient, under subjection or controul. *1%, or ot, e. a quarrelsome and scur
rilous woman, a scold, a virago. **3, s. a stalk or stem, the trunk of a tree; an arrow; a section or chapter. zofessor, otostol, s, fence or screen of cloth; a pilot, a helmsman, a steersman. *Totostoia, e, the ceremony of planting four arrows on four sides of an idol. zotot, s. a heap or collection, stack, pile. ofo, s. side, division, value, rate, price. zosos, a troubled, distressed, anxious. *Too ol, e. trouble, distress, anxiety. zşTEgTel, zgț5gffs, s. a moan, a complaint, distress, anguish, agony. [distress. zotocoffo, s. a complaint, expression of assoil, g. the name of a fish; a cant word used by robbers to signify aman. zossil, s. coir, coir cable. at sta, zororis, s. a butcher's cleaver, a bill-hook, a parang, a binder's knife. zofessor, s. a row, a rank, a line, a file. assotzszprotor, ad. in files, in rows, in a line. assotsä, s. a sort of pots for curds. [saw. agrosst, s. a pair of shears; shell-cutter's zoffs, s. a shell cutter's saw; a canister. *&sota, s. a scribe, a writer, a teacher. *Tog, s. a seat on the Indian oil-mill. কাতুর কুতুর, 5, the sensation of tickling. zosts, ad. on the side of, on account of. zett setts, ad. invidiously, pryingly. *4ttoo, s, one who kills, an executioner. assot, s.a. name of the goddess Durgā. *Two ot, s. spirituous liquor extracted from the flowers of Nauclea orientalis. zoswfoot, s. assemblage of clouds. [clay. zgrnt, stwffặ51, s. mud, mire, dirt, soft কাদাখোঁচা, s. a snipe, a fen-fowl." [turbid. assal-sion, -foo!, a muddy, dirty, sloppy, zosofa, s. the making a place muddy. *Intos, ototo, a muddy, dirty, sloppy. **Towg, a. able, powerful, mighty. ofol, g. a bill-hook, a cleaver. [ness. *Iwa, s. a thicket, forest, wood, wilder&tima,born of a virgin: a child of a virgin.