বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:Dialogues, Intended to Facilitate the Acquiring of the Bengali Language.djvu/৮৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।


 Having invited them to finish the three ceremonies, viz. the business of to-morrow, the offering of the neck-lace and sandal-wood, and the breaking off from the rules of mourning at the same time they will come?

 That's done, Sir. They will come and complete all the business at one time.

 Then that's well: if it is done at once there will be no occasion to go again.

 I am thinking about the business of to-morrow. The clothes are all washed and brought home, and every thing else is ready; only I can't get good fish.

 You will get them to-morrow: in this city, if there is money, there will be no difficulty in getting things.

 Sometimes we can get nothing in the city.

 That's true, but your heart is good. There will be nothing incomplete in your business.

 That's your compliment. How should the work of any one fail to whom you gentlemen are friendly?

 You are a very good man. Your business and the wish of your heart will be completed without difficulty.

 The gods have caused the shaving business of to-day to be completed without any failure. I had many fears. I thought, how shall I get through? I do not know how.

 Say. Why was you anxious? Did not I tell you yesterday. Whatever I say will surety come to pass. You will lave no trouble about any thing. Don't you know that a brahmun's blessing is irrevocable?

 True, Sir, I hope so. I remain prostrate at your feet. Then it must be as the gods please.