সাহায্য:পাবলিক ডোমেইন

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
Public domain
This page helps users determine whether a given work is in the public domain in the USA where Wikisource server is hosted, and which template to use.

If a work is in the public domain in Canada but not in the USA, without license compatible with the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 and the GFDL, please post it on Canadian Wikilivres (requiring username as IP users cannot edit there).

This document attempts to clarify whether copyright applies but see also Copyright policy and Copyright tags for categories to use.

These tables summarise the conditions a work must meet in order to be safely considered public domain[১][২].

Published in the United States[সম্পাদনা]

Date of publication Condition[৩] What is public domain Template
Before 1923 none. all works. {{PD-1923}}, {{Pd/1923|year of author's death}}, or {{PD-anon-1923}} if anonymous or pseudonymous
1923–1963 with notice, no renewal[b] all works. {{PD-US-no-renewal}}
1923–1963 with notice and renewal[b] Works published more than 95 years ago (1928) none.
1923–1977 no copyright notice all works. {{PD-US-no-notice}}
1964–1977 with notice Works published more than 95 years ago (1928) none.
1978–1 March 1989 no notice or subsequent registration all works. {{PD-US-no-notice-post-1977}}
1978–1 March 1989
  • no notice, but subsequent registration
  • or with notice
works of authors who died 70+ years ago (1953) or 1978+70 if later [৪] none.
1 March 1989-2002 Created in 1978 or later works of authors who died more than 70 years ago (1953) none.
2003 or later none. works of authors who died more than 70 years ago (1953) {{PD-US-unpublished}}
Any time prepared by an on-duty officer or employee of the United States Federal Government all works. {{PD-USGov}}
Any time official documents of the United Nations[৫] Official records, UN documents issued with a UN symbol, and not-for-sale public information materials designed primarily to inform the public about United Nations activities {{PD-UN}}

Published outside the United States[সম্পাদনা]

Note: Foreign works published after 1923 are likely to be still under copyright in the US because of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, even if they briefly entered public domain before the agreement.[৬] Only unambiguous conditions are listed below.

Date of publication Condition What is public domain Template
Before 1 July 1909 none. all works. {{Pd/1923|year of author's death}}, or {{PD-anon-1923}} if anonymous or pseudonymous
1 July 1909–1922 in compliance with US formalities, published in English language, or the author is known to have died in 1953 or earlier (more than 70 years ago) all works. {{Pd/1923|year of author's death}}, or {{PD-anon-1923}} if anonymous or pseudonymous
1923–1977 public domain in its home country as of 1 January 1996 and never published in the US prior to that date all works. {{PD-1996}}, {{Pd/1996|year of author's death}}, or {{PD-anon-1996}} if anonymous or pseudonymous
After 1 January 1978 copyright in its home country works by authors who died more than 95 years ago (1928)

See Official texts for more information.

Unpublished works[সম্পাদনা]

An unpublished work is one that has never been published in any form, or which was first published after 2003 but created before 1935.

Note for the European Union: If a previously unpublished work is published first time ("editio princeps") later than 70 years after the death of the author, then it is no more public domain but it is granted a copyright for 25 years (Council Directive 93/98/EEC, see here)
Type of work What is public domain Template
  • Most works (except those below)
  • or created before 1978 and published after 2002
works of authors who died more than 70 years ago (1953) {{PD-old-70}}
  • anonymous or pseudonymous
  • or author's date of death unknown
Works created more than 120 years ago (1903) {{PD-old}}


Condition What is public domain Template
No creative content Some works (vague) {{PD-ineligible}}
Copyright released by holder All works {{PD-release}}

Not public domain[সম্পাদনা]

Conditions Date PD
unpublished works created before 1978 and published 1978–2002 No earlier than 2048[a]

Copyright terms by country[সম্পাদনা]

These tables outline the estimated length of time of copyright per country[৭][৮][৯]. Laws regarding anonymous works, corporate-authored works, or non-literary works vary per country. This is not intended to be used as a legal guideline since it cannot reflect the complexity of the copyright laws in effect at any one time and since copyright laws are changing continuously; this section simply provides a useful summary as part of a more in-depth research. See also the following Wikipedia copyright length lists for further information:

Country Copyright length
Bangladesh life + 50
Bhutan life + 50
India life + 60 for literary or musical works or artistic works, publication + 60 for others[১০].
Pakistan life + 50
United Kingdom life + 70
United States of America expired for works published before 1923; 28 or 95 years for works copyrighted 1923-1963; 95 years for works copyrighted 1964-1977; thereafter life+70.

স্ক্যানকৃত বই কোথায় থাকবে তার একটি তালিকা নিচে দেওয়া হল
লেখকের মৃত্যু প্রকাশকাল লাইসেন্স কমন্স উইকিসংকলন মন্তব্য
<১৯২৪ <১৯২৪ {{PD-old-100-1923}} প্র. না.
<১৯২৯ <১৯২৯ {{PD-old-80-1923}} প্র. না.
<১৯২৯ ১৯২৯-১৯৪০ {{PD-India-URAA}} প্র. না.
<১৯২৯ ১৯৪১-১৯৬৪ {{PD-India}}
১৯২৯-১৯৪০ <১৯২৯ {{PD-old-70-1923}} প্র. না.
১৯২৯-১৯৪০ ১৯২৯-১৯৪০ {{PD-India-URAA}} প্র. না.
১৯২৯-১৯৪০ ১৯৪১-১৯৬৪ {{PD-India}}
১৯৪১-১৯৬৪ <১৯২৯ {{PD-1923}}; {{PD-India}} প্র. না.
১৯৪১-১৯৬৪ ১৯২৯-১৯৪০ {{PD-India}}
১৯৪১-১৯৬৪ ১৯৪১-১৯৬৪ {{PD-India}}
বেনামী <১৯২৯ {{PD-US}}; {{PD-India}} প্র. না.
বেনামী ১৯২৯-১৯৪০ {{PD-India-URAA}} প্র. না.
বেনামী ১৯৪১-১৯৬৪ {{PD-India}}
যে কোনো >১৯৬৪ কপিরাইটকৃত
>১৯৬৪ যে কোনো কপিরাইটকৃত

* প্র. না. ~ উইকিসংকলনে আপলোড করার প্রয়োজন নাই। সরাসরি উইকিমিডিয়া কমন্সে আপলোড করুন।



  1. The criteria tables are primarily derived from the Cornell Copyright Information Center's Public Domain chart, which is copyrighted by Peter Hirtle and released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License 2.0.
  2. Copyright durations, Bromberg and Sunstein, LLP
  3. Circular 15a from the United States Copyright Office
  4. s304 Copyright Act 1976 "Copyright in a work created before January 1, 1978, but not theretofore in the public domain or copyrighted, subsists from January 1, 1978, and endures for the term provided by section 302 [17 USCS Sect. 302]. In no case, however, shall the term of copyright in such a work expire before December 31, 2002; and, if the work is published on or before December 31, 2002, the term of copyright shall not expire before December 31, 2027." s302 states "Copyright in a work created on or after January 1, 1978, subsists from its creation and, except as provided by the following subsections, endures for a term consisting of the life of the author and fifty years after the author's death." The Copyright Term Extension Act extended the dates to December 31, 2047 and seventy years after death.
  5. As Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement for the United Nations, Public Law 80-357 applies the United States laws to the United Nations Headquarters, works published there are copyrighted in the same way as other works published in the United States.
  6. Highlights of Copyright Amendments Contained in the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (URAA). Circular 38b (Portable Document Format), Library of Congress Copyright Office
  7. How Can I Tell Whether a Book Can Go Online?, Online Books Page
  8. Summary of copyright terms The Online Books Page
  9. Collection of National Copyright Laws, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation
  10. A Hand Book of Copyright Law, Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development

See also[সম্পাদনা]