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সাহায্য:Beginner's guide to finishing touches

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Beginner's guide to finishing touches
The final tasks needed to finish a work.

Once a book has been proofread, validated and transcluded, most of the work has been done. There are just a few finishing touches you need to do before the work is completed.

What is left to do?


Once a book has been transcluded, most of the work has been done. There are now just a few small things to be done:

  1. Add a licence for the book.
  2. Add one or more categories for the book.
  3. Add the book to the author's Author page.
  4. Add the book to one or more portals.
  5. Announce your new book.

You should have already checked that the book is out of copyright. Now you need to show why it is out of copyright so other people can know without having to check for themselves.

There is a list of licence templates here: Help:Copyright tags

All licence templates should be in this category: বিষয়শ্রেণী:লাইসেন্স টেমপ্লেট

You need to:

  1. Pick the right template.
  2. Edit your book's page (in the main namespace).
  3. Add the template to the bottom of the page.
    • If you are doing these tasks out of order. The template should be after the transcluded text but before the categories.
  4. Preview the page. You should see your template (a pale blue box) at the bottom of the page.
  5. Save the page.

To help you, the most commonly used licence are:

  • If the book was published before to 1923 and the author died before এক্সপ্রেশন ত্রুটি: অপরিচিত বিরামচিহ্ন অক্ষর "২"।, use {{PD-old}}
  • If the book was published before to 1923 and the author died after এক্সপ্রেশন ত্রুটি: অপরিচিত বিরামচিহ্ন অক্ষর "২"।, use {{PD-1923}}
  • If the book was published after 1922 and before 1964 and the copyright was not renewed, use {{PD-US-no-renewal}}

Some template have extra features to make them even more useful. There are more instructions for each licence in the template documentation (just click on the blue template names to see them).

Your page needs to be categorised. This will put your book together with other books like it and help other people find your book.

There are lots of categories that you might add to your page. To start with, try to add at least one of these:

  1. A genre or subject category to show what it is about. You can find them here for genres or here for subjects.
  2. A type category to show what type of book it is. You can find them here.

Sometimes you will find a category that combines both. For example Category:Mystery novels. This counts as both a genre category and a type category.

Add the categories you have picked by typing them at the bottom of the page, with two brackets on either side of the category name. For example [[Category:Mystery novels]].

If the name of your book starts with "A", "An" or "The", you need to add a DEFAULTSORT command. This should be {{DEFAULTSORT:Book}}. You should use the name of the book with the "A", "An" or "The" at the end instead. For example, if the page is "The Book", you should add {{DEFAULTSORT:Book, The}}.

For more information, see Help:Categorization.

You need to add a link to your book to the page for the author of your book. This will show all of the books by the author on Wikisource and help people find your book.

You should have put the name of the author of your book in the header template when you where transcluding. If not, you should do that now. The name of the author should appear as a wikilink in the header. Click this link to go to the author's Author page or search for it by searching for "Author:Name" (for example, Author:Arthur Conan Doyle). You should see a page with the name of the author and a list of books.

You should add your book to the list as a bullet point. The lists are usually in date order. You should wikilink the title of the book and add the date the book was published. For example:

* [[My Book]] (1902)

For more information, see Help:Author pages.

Portals are like author pages except that are about the subject of the book and not the author. Adding your book to a portal will put your book together with other books like it and help other people find your book.

You can find a portal by browsing through the portals from the top or you can look for one in this big list of portals. Some portals are separated into lists of slightly different groups. You may need to find the right list on the right portal for your book.

You can add the book to a portal in the same way as an author page: Add the book to the list on the portal as a bullet point. You should also add the name of the author, after the title and date, as a wikilink to the author page. For example,

* [[My Book]], 1902 by [[Author:Arthur Conan Doyle|Arthur Conan Doyle]]

Back on the page for your book, you can add a link from the book to the portal by putting the name of the portal in the header as part of the portal parameter. For example, if the portal was Portal:Mystery, you should add:

 | portal = Mystery

For more information, see Help:Portals.

You might want to announce your new book on the main page as a new text. This will let people know that you book has now been added to Wikisource.

To add your book to this list:

  1. Go to New texts.
  2. Click Edit to edit the page.
  3. Find the top of the list of new texts on the page. Each new text starts with: {{new texts/item|
  4. Add a new line at the top of the list with: {{new texts/item|Title|Author|Year}}
    • For example: {{new texts/item|My Book|Arthur Conan Doyle|1902}}
  5. Find the bottom of the list.
  6. Move the last book in the list to the part of the page that says "MOVE OLDER ENTRIES BELOW HERE"
  7. Preview the page to check that everything looks right.
  8. Save the page.
  9. Your book should now be shown at the top of box in the top-right on the main page.