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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১২৬

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ঘাট gfift, s. a hut-builder, a thatcher. *I*Titfirst, s, the business of a thatcher. *Izgsi, a.domestic,home-made, ofahouse. *Ico, ad. at home; -zificos, at home and *Icoxsco, ad. in or atevery house. [abroad. ggs, off, s, the rattling of wheels, a rattling sound, a purring. zsír, HfSI, s. perspiration, sweat. *Toteinz, a.sudorific,causing perspiration. #To a covered with perspiration. II:sfé, a. perspiring, in a perspiration. ঘষ, v. a. to rub, to file, to polish, to grind, to abrade, to wipe, to varnish. goo, a rubbing, filing: s, one who rubs or files; an instrument for rubbing, etc. **sa, s.a.rubbing, grinding, filing,friction. ofoss, a rubbed, cleaned, filed, polished. ঘষ, ঘষণ, the same as ঘর্ষ, ঘর্ষণ *Tafa, s. a rubbing, grinding, friction. *Tal, v. to produce friction, to cause to rub or polish: a, rubbed, filed, polished. *Tata, s. a producing friction, a causing to file or rub: a rubbed, filed, polished. goto, s, the production of friction, the filing or polishing of a thing. *If, s, the powder of dried cow-dung. *11, s. a knock, blow, cut, gash, wound, sore, an ulcer; -71,-offs, to strike, to knock; -corgi, callous, weather-beaten. *If?, s, the wheelin which silk is rolled in manufacturing it; flouncing of a fish in water; -āsūl,a moving about in anger. xfo,8.a fault, crime, misdemeanor, guilt, sin; abatement, defect, flaw: a, less. of offs, a less or more. žiĒū, šī, v. a. to stir up, to stir or mix. #fää, äsäf, s. a mixing or stirring up. #fü1, v. a. to rouse up, to stimulate: a. stirred up, mixed: s. the blade-bone or scapula of an animal; a corn, callosity. #Toto, a roused up, stirred up: s. the rousing up of a person or animal. #iff, s, track of animals, a watch. post, an ambush, road for thieves to retreat by. ঘাট, ঘণ্টাকর্ণ, ঘণ্টারব, s. names of a god who presides over itches. [our of র্যাটু, ঘাটুভাঙ্গাসংক্রান্তি, 8. a ceremony in hon I 114 1 ঘিন

  1. t31, s. a kind of theatrical dance. #so, v. a. to affect the heart, to speak so

as to strike the heart. itsa, iroft, s. speaking or acting so as to strike or affect the hearts of others. *Tool, a callous, wounded, weatherbeaten, hardened by beating; fem. Tit. *If Tost, s. a petticoat, an apron, a gown. *IIxfor, s. a rabbet, a groove. *Ifü, v. a. to be deficient, to fall short. *Tsū, s. a quay, wharf, landing-place, aferry, mountain pass; -ITIR, to smuggle; -xford, a smuggling; -istofoil, a smuggler; -issol, a smuggling; a smuggler. ofs, v. a. to abate, to diminish, reduce, to lessen: s. a corn, callosity, a sore. *Iföszt, s. reducing or abating the value of a thing, the diminishing of a thing. ofol, s. a fault, a crime; a watch-post. *Ty, off, s, the hinder part of the neck. *Tossworn, the neck. Toto, assent by nod. *Its, s. a knock, a blow, wound. [striker. gifo, a. smiting, striking: s. a murderer, *Issa, s. a smiting, hurting, killing. *Too, a. destructive, murderous, cruel. TIfE, TIfAstIE, s. an oil-mill. [spiration. *III, v. n. to sweat,perspire: s. sweat, perZITSIzı, s. a sweating, a perspiring. *Issy, a full of ulcers or wounds. *Issil, v. a. to cause to sweat or perspire. *I*T*F, a covered with perspiration. *f;Iffs, s, the prickly heat. [to perspire. *To so, s, a causing to perspire: a. made *T*, *, the opening of a sore or ulcer. *Isocysics, ad. by signs, by inuendoes, privately, secretly, figuratively. *Itsä, a. wounded: s. a sore, cut, an ulcer, ঘাপ্‌ন্য, a. free from wounds or ulcers. *Ish, s, grass, meadow grass, hay. zitäzos;1, ¥sforg1, s. a grass-cutter. *Tog, a full of grass, grassy. [grass. *If isofost, a graminivorous, feeding on Σta $tat, a. idem: 8. a grass-cutter. *I*T*1, a. of grass, grassy. fā, clarified butter; - Trst, see ঘৃতকুমারী: fosfoss, fosso, a dense, crowded, imperfI, s. the same as oil, [vious.