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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৩৩

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পরি [ 221 of so, a, curved, deflected, changed. visorofo, s. a change of substance, transofog, s. marriage, nuptials, [mutation. of sign, s. a giving of marriage. of stol, s, transmutation of a substance, any change, a chymical production. visosols: W*io, a. provident, prudent. of ossweta,s a view of changes likely to take place: a looking into the changes of human affairs. Idence, forecast. officitsiwsstol, providence, foresight, pruoff-tonrit, a. provident, prudent. *ifå stSl, a. fem. married. [flamed. witãso, a heated, thoroughly heated, inof stoi, S. heat, agony, torment, distress. পরিতুষ্ট, a satisfied, contented, pleased. viftsts, s. contentment,satisfaction,gratification, joy, pleasure. [pleasure. of storszo,a, gratifying: 8, one who gives of sojo, a relinquished, deserted, left. offs sist,8.abandonment, relinquishment. *iforosoft, a relinquishing, abandoning. off sojtěj,relinquishable,may beforsaken. *if sofa,s.completedeliverance,salvation. •if:1:1, <if:t:1, 8, asaviour, a deli •ifğ wfz, s. exchange, barter. [verer. officizal, s, wit, prudence. [clothes. *iforgia, s. the wearing or putting on of •if?r<t<z,&.consideration, thought, reflec tion, a running after pursuit. *isofo, s, the circumference of a circle or ellipsis, a periphery, a disk. [worn. offsco, vifa ority, a. wearable, fit to be *if so, a ripe, completely ripe, mature, perfect, complete, digested. [ness. of viol,8. ripeness, maturity, complete •f •iit, a. circumventing: s. a circumventor, a foe, an enemy. [a ripening. off offo, s. maturity, ripeness, digestion, offrontë, s. order, regularity, method. of; oissos, a. preserved, kept, nourished. of vitos, a. worthy of being preserved of “Ios, a filled, replete, complete, full. পরিপূর্ণতা, -o, s. fulness, completeness. ofazein, a the relinquishing of a thing. *iforzúñts, a relinquishable. of: afés, a relinquished, abandoned. |

  • forró, s. arequital, a recompense, aretribution, reward, an exchange, avicissitude, an equivalent substitution, permutation, a barter, reciprocity. [tion. পরিবৰন, a. exchange, requitingofam acপরিবর্তনীয়, a. requitable, exchangeable,

may be exchanged or bartered. *ifoliol, -a, s. a capacity of being requited or exchanged. [pensing. ofoot, a changing, requiting, recomofāzté, ad instead of, in lieu of. *ifornia, s. an accusation, a charge, an evil report, a slander, blame. [accuser. of a two, a.slandering: s.aslanderer, an *ifoto, e. the accusing of a person. *iforatist, a. accusing, slandering: s.anac*If otos, liable to an accusation. [cuser. *iforâta, s. household, family, relatives. *f;ffa, s. an unmarried elder brother. *ifoe, a. surrounded, attended by. officzal, s. a younger brother whomar ries before his elder brother. wifacawal, s, prudence, caution, pain, repentance, regret;-&f=s, unregretting. offstars, s.the sun's disk, circumference. wifscario, a. serving out at table: a one who serves at table. of sco,g. theserving out attable;-&g, or off stol, one who serves at table. wifáczos.sto, a. proper to be attended on. offico,surrounding, wrappinground. ofocoa, s. a surrounding, a wrapping. officaäätz, a that may be surrounded. *facasăs,a surrounded, wrapped round. ofosso, a wandering about: o, a religious mendicant, a pilgrim, a vagabond. of sa, s. disrespect, disregard; defeat. ofessi, s. a glossary of technical terms, conversation, discourse, a speech. of effo, agreedon, conversed, spoken. ofo, a, enjoyed, possessed, [ed. ofo, a disrespected, despised; defeatoffstetsi, s, the enjoyment of anything. পরিভূম, s, a wandering, a mistake, error. পরি go, a fallen, corrupted, degraded. of gossa, wandering about mistaking, erring: s. a wanderer, a pilgrim. পরি