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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৪৮

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পৈশা cool, v, a togrind, squeeze:8, a portmanteau, asortofsweetmeat, youngbuffalo. coyotzsa, s. a throwing down and beatcvf Jzı 1, s. a sloven, a dirty fellow. [ing. coroit, s. an apparition, a spectre, a slut. c•İwätz, ç•īvātzis, s. a slut, a slattern. coif;:1, s. a basket, a covered basket. coisota, s. a stand to support boxes, coțCHttoitzG1, s. a flying-bug. [bales, etc. coigai’, s, the female part of the Phallus. coig, potable, drinkable, fit for drinking:8. costs, s, onion (Allium cepa). [a drink. cvigfúl, s, a footman, a messenger, a peon. coratofff:ff, s, the business of a footman. *color, s. affection, love, fondness. coigios], affectionate, beloved: s. a guava. Cossoil, s. a cup, a teacup, a sueaker, a co, s. Port, a turkey. [bowl. cojoso, s. a nail, a spike. [in, trusted. *coi", 8, the front, forepart: a confided *coloroa'ss, s. a dagger, a stiletto, a dirk. *Coiososos, s. an agent, a deputy, a manager, an assistant; c*f*f<i£t, his office. *cootsit, s. an advance (of wages or cash). coorsi, a clever, eminent, famous, beautiful, heart-ravishing, crafty, knavish. cojoti, s. a profession, trade, custom, practice, habit; -offs, holding a profession. cviest, s. egg of a bird, a scabbard,a muscle, a lump of flesh, spikenard, a bud. Cofrīzē, a. grinding, masticating. cvigas. Tg, cofną75, s. largeteeth, grinders. cossa, S. grinding of corn, etc.; a muller; cossót, s. a millstone, muller. [bandage. coiséïtz, a. capable of being ground. tol, s. one step of a staircase; a flight of **ssl, s, the Hindu sacred thread. [steps. ***Issa, a relating to a grandfather. too, a. ancestral, paternal; -on, apatrimony;-4f6, paternal inheritance. tools<<13, s. ancestral inheritance. to it, s. the son of a paternal aunt. offs;zo, a bilious, of the nature of bile. **sūJ, a. ancestral, paternal, hereditary. tofoss, a. devilish, demoniacal, infernal. ***ITsfata, s. a marriage in which the bride is decoyed away by stratagem. [ 236 | পোত tog:1,6. defamation,backbiting,slander, coil, s. a son, a child. [spite, cruelty. costol, s. Quarter, 4th part, pedal-posts. cossofit, a. pregnant, mother of child. costons, s, a potter's kiln; a basking. coisotsi, s. straw, rice straw. [a coating. coirs, s. a whitewash, the plaster of a wall, coissy, s. a whitewashing, plastering; a wiping brush, a whitewashing brush. coitsstfä, s. a potter's glazing earth. coffbl, v. a. to cause to wipe . s. the wrist. coif;1, s. a gut, entrails of a fish or other animal, the mucus of the nose, snot., Cofiw, s. the anus, the hips,the posteriors. çãfarā5fg, s. adragging alongbythelegs while a person sits on the ground. cătāziữai, s. laxness of the bowels. coisostoff, ad, rump to rump, closely. coisol, s. an insect, a worm, a maggot. পোকাকাটা, পোকাখে কুয়া, a. worm-eaten. coffo, a, ripe, cooked, complete, perfect. coirota, or Coirotist, s. ripeness, a being complete, the boiling of salt. coitsfes, s. a beardless boy: a, deformed. cvffari, 8. the anus, the privities. [book. coifs, s. a foundation, a basis; back of a coits, s. a woman with a beard. coity, a baked, burnt, calcined. পোড়ল মাটি, s, a kind of burnt earth. cost#1, v. a. to burn, to destroy by fire, to roast, to scald: a, burnt, roasted. ” Cossofoviţă, s. a misfortune, bad luck. c»if 5f<»itfàgri, a. unlucky, unfortunate, wretched; lit. having burnt forehead. costgfx, s.a. burning, a searing,aroasting. coityTargol, s. a disease of the skin. coffgfft, s. a burning or calcining, calcination: a, due for burning things. Coffyffäzil, a. incendiary, burning. coils, v. a. the same as vis, which see. costs, s. a boat, ship, young of an animal, glass beads, foundation,the floor, cloth. coison, 8. the same with পুতন, পোতবণিক, s. a merchant who trades by sea, a voyaging merchant. Drower. coffSZTĘ, s. a boatman, steersman, sailor, coisotop, s. a mariner, a ship-captain.