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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৫৪

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প্রব 2Wofol, s, the circumstance of being a seer, or a person who shows things. anoff, s, a seeing, showing, pointing out. awfoss, a.shown, declared, made manifest. 2Wra, s. a gift, a giving, a presenting. প্রদানীয়, প্রদেয় ৫. bestowable, conferable. ańzi, s. a lamp, otos, a lighted up. 273, a proud, haughty, elated. &ICW*I, s, a district, a province, a country, 2CW foot, s, the forefinger. [a place. &GW18, 8. evening, forepart of the night. sign, s. war, battle; tearing, rending. &#317, a noble, chief, principal, prime. &#Tool, -ëa, s. the same as! 牙fā万。 &oios, s.extension,expanse, expansion, copiousness in style or compositiom, prolixity, abundance, reverse, opposition, inversion; ideal existence, delusion. 2°ifo, a, expanded, extended, dilated. & off, a. obtained, poor, needy, afflicted. &oil, s. a watering-place for travellers. &fosso, s. paternal great-grandfather. a foots of, s, a father's grandmother. SIC-fTI, s. agrandson's son, fem. SIC-ISt. & Hä, expanded, sparkling, smiling, gay. ę&ÈgÍ5G, a. gay-hearted, glad-hearted. alol, or assig), s. expansion, gaiety, cheerfulness, gladness. [with joy. 2|{{{R}^, a having the eyes sparkling 2|{{#son, a having a sprightly countezgāfs: Ego, a glad-hearted. [nance. asso, a, expanded, spread open, patent. a<51, s. a speaker, orator, am eloquent &iq87, s. a treatise, a discourse. [man. & Zozo, a. deceiving, insidious, deceitful: s: a deceiver, a knave, a cheat. Ɛszoszi E1, -57, s. knavery, deceitfulness. 2428-1, s. deceit, fraud, deception, circumvention, imposition, an imposture. 2zozos, ad. deceitfully, fraudulentezzezữzi, a. deceivable, imposable. [ly. &zo, s, a connected narrative, a set dis course, a treatise, composition. 2[&#35°t-1, s. a feigned story. atzo, s. a commencement, excitation. 24 go, exciting, stimulating: s. a stimu2įzzấgrifēF, s. astimulating power, [lus. [ 242 nر انع প্রবলুন, s. the beginning of an action. 24 foll, s, a stimulus, an excitement. azáño, a, excitable, fit to bestimulated. azoo, a causing to grow or increase: s. that which causeth growth or increase. 23 on, s. a growing in size, increasing in riches, growing fat; in ana, a process. 2435, a strong, powerful, mighty, cogent, 2. TāīEi, -SH, s.thesameas 2IzsāJ. [valid. 2[&#1251°i, a highly emergetic. [tory. 2zT5z5, a. technical, expository, explana£izito, rumour, report, currentstory;strife. 2[&sos, s. coral, a young shoot, a sprout. 22:17, s, temporary residence, a lodging. 2[&tzit, a residing temporarily in a place: s. a sojourner, a lodger. &aso, s. a stream, a current, a train of circumstances depending on one another. 2.3T34, a carrying or flowing off. 2izotozoztofit, s. an artery, a vein. 2ffo, a, entered, engaged in a thing. 24to, clever, learned, eminent, well-versgatstvu, eminence, cleverness, talent. (ed. 243, a convinced, convicted, stimulated. 3 বৃত্ত, setting about, engaged,commenced. 24fg, s. an effort, the commencement of an action, excitation, a stimulus, an inclination, a tendency, a predilection; -Go's', to incite, to induce, to instigate. 23 fog, or a fasino, a. stimulating. & Coof, s, entrance into a place, introduction; -o, to enter; -os, to introduce. 2Czsosz, a. entering: s. one who enters. ECT" - TTT, —{2, s. anentrance to aplace. &ltzotz, s. an entering, penetrating. [ble. &ltzot.st3, zitz*tj, introducible, penetra2 Czfo, a. introduced, brought in. 20.41%, s. conviction, attention, vigilance, knowledge,understanding,intellect, demonstration, consolation;- gi* Ti,to force conviction; -71, to convince, to console. &jøføso, a convincing, awakening, exciting to vigilance, promoting knowledge. & Co foss, s. the convincing of a person. acarát, a convincing, awakening. [tion. & E4, s. a generative cause, birth, produc2 sol, 8. splendour, radiance, glory, lustre.