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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৯৪

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হেতু ors, a seized, stolen, robbed, bereft, swind ogātāfetz, a. dephlogisticated. [led. oscots, s. the pericardium. oisvio, S. the heart. [so called. zgsfotos, s. the heart, viz. the fleshy mass zgsforsetzt=zgatët, s. the vena cava. হৃৎপ্রবাহকরাক্তনাড়ী, ৪. the aorta. #73, s. the heart, the mind, the seat of thought and the affections. [pressive. #73 oxi, affecting, touching the heart, im*WXT, a good-hearted, affectionate. *Wszo, s. a curl of hair on a horse's chest. হাদুদর, ঠ, a ventricle of the heart. oft), a. dear, beloved, amiable, grateful, agreeable, pleasant, affectionate, kind. *WJø1, s. agreeableness, gratefulness, pleasantness, intimacy, affection, kindness. sostof, s, the heart-burning disease. oftcot, s. a name of Vishnu. où, a glad, joyful, merry, delighted. ofsä, äässosto, a glad, glad-hearted. =#F5, zņēsā, s. joy, gladness, merriment. হৃষ্টপুষ্ট,d. good-looking, plump, fat, sleek. হৃষ্টপুষ্টতা, s. plumpness, fatness. zāfÐ, s. joy, gladness, merriment. co, a vocative particle used among equals; also, in addressing the Deity. căsă, coi, s. a dog, a cur. La jerk. cool, v. to pull; -āj-, -osso, to pull with céoforo, s. a pulling with a jerk. casso, s. hiccup; -ëa, to hiccup. căş, a low, slanting, inclined, bent. cio, ad low, down, below, beneath. cosa, downcast, dejected, lowspirited. হেঁড়ে, a very large, like a pot, very deep. căşīā, s, the same with footai. cíoil, s. a swing, a cradle, a hammock. *Co, s. wisdom, knowledge, art, skill, cleverness, philosophy. cozosso, a wise, clever, ingenious, skilful. distrail, a. emaciated, lank, meagre, poor. czy, s. a cause, the reason of a thing, an occasion, a motive. Coo, a, causal, instrumental: s. an active cause, an instrument or agent: ad. be. cause, on account of, caused by. Cool, -o, s. causality, motivity. [ 382 J ऎक्ट्”। cEYFfR, s. an expressed cause or reason, the preamble of a law. cortist, a, expressing causes or reasons. ca şef-UTH, s. the producing ofreasons or czolt, here; -ststri, come here. [causes. Cτττί, a voc. part. oh! heyday! cost, s. gold; a celestial courtezan. costs, s. the cold season, winter. [mine. cosofol, s, a species of yellow jascEsTzes, a gold-coloured. [able, low. CTI, a. relinquishable, despicable, untencosora, s. contempt, disesteem, a low idea or opinion of a thing; -o, to despise, to abhor, to detest, to hate. col, -o, s. lowness, relinquishableness, despicableness, untenableness. CEA, v. a. to see, to observe, to attend to. *Cosos, ingenuity, cleverness, cunning, artifice, skill, contrivance. [ning, artful. CozTv55h, a. skilful, ingenious, clever, cumca fa, s. Ganesha; one inflated with an idea of his own prowess; a buffalo. co, v, a to disregard, to treat with levity, to neglect; to swim. [with levity. coso, disregarding, neglecting, treating cosa, s. a disregarding, a treating with levity; a swimming, a swinging. Coil, v. a. to cause to disregard, to cause to swing or oscillate: s. disregard, light and trifling conduct: a. aslant, sloping. Costcotsi, S. regularity and irregularity. costs, aslant, sloping: 8, a causing to disregard, or oscillate, a prop, a support. cs #Trzitsl, a. aslant, not erect, bent. costs, ad easily, without difficulty. cofo, a disregarded, neglected, slight ed; sloping, slanting, aslant, bent. হেলিতমুখতুম্বাকৃতি, a. bagpipe-shaped. cocoioi, s. an aquatic plant (Hingcha re**, a vocative particle. [pems). ios, a cold, frigid; golden. ***If so, a. wintry, produced in winter. iota,s. clarified butter prepared the day before it is used. *oto, a. astonished, confounded, disturbed, distressed, fatigued. [bation. to ot, s, fatigue, astonishment, pertur