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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩১৮

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মিত। I stofo, s. an intercalary month. [ed. xtoti, fleshy, fat, plump, well-conditionstaff, s, a husband's or wife's mother's stfäo, or stol. a. monthly. [sister. stfit, s. a mother's sister, a maternal aunt. stol, s. a film on the eye, a cicatrix. *মাসুল, s. tax, duty, excise, custom. **Tja, a celebrated, published, divulged, conspicuous, famous, well-known. sTiwTyi, sTC£t›Itát, monthly, per mensem, @ন্তির, st of, s, the mast of a ship or boat. হাত্ম্য 3. s' magnanimity, greatness,glory, praise, celebrity. [monthly pay. *:Tifosi, s. monthly pay; -wiss, receiving stfosszú, a monthly: s. monthly pay. offs, a. produced by or from a buffalo. *Tas, s. an elephant-driver. *Ticost, s. a name of Durgā. foto, v. n. to simper, to smile. foot, or fossi, s. sugarcandy. fool, a false: s falsehood, vanity; -osso, -ঠাট, -oš, false pride, vain boasting. footfotfä, ad falsely, pretendedly. *fiISTIS, 8. temperament, complexion, constitution, temper, disposition. [extinct. fi, v. n. to subside, wear out, fail, to be fü, s. absolving of a person, expiation. fort, s. a subsiding, a wearing out. fü, v. a. to dispel, efface, suppress, set tle, to expiate a crime, to extinguish. মিটান, s. a dispelling of danger or gloom, the effacing of a thing, terminating of a dispute, the expiating of a crime: a, dispelled, effaced, suppressed, expiated. মিটমট, decision of an affair, settlement. fift, s, the twinkling of a lamp. fossissal, a dying, expiring, twinkling. fo, foil, a. sweet: foolf, sweetness. fool, v.a. to sweeten: s. sweetness, suavity. folio, s. sweetmeat, confectionary. foot, a. seasonable, opportune, slow. fits, a. measured, moderate, regular. fossaji, s. measured expenditure, economy, frugality. [in expenses. firsz Jät, a, economical, frugal, prudent fool, s, a friend, a namesake. [Hindu law. fèrvi*5£1, s. a celebrated commentary on 306 1 মিলা footbfa, s. properly regulated conduct. footbf{t, a. acting in a moderate manner. fossia, or fossota, s. abstemiousness. fostoft, or first stät, a. abstemious. fitso, s. a measure, weight; interest. [ny. froi, a friend, companion, confidant, crofoLois, treacherous to, or killing a friend. fool, footsä, S. friendship, intimacy. fotográt, a. injuring or killing a friend. fronts, s. anamesake, one of same name. foots, s. the acquisition of a friend. forgos, s. the murder of a friend. fotos, s. rhyme in poetry, [ly, in secret. fosi, ad. mutually, reciprocally, privatefoots, s. a couple, twins; sign Gemini. faţazifei, s. the sign Gemini. fisiji, a false, counterfeit, delusory, apparent: 8, a denial; falsehood, vanity. foĪJIETFESTE, s. glare, false grandeur. foLITwise, s. an imaginary misfortune or distress, a false pretension. footitafit, a, lying: s. a liar. [picion. fajfriši, s. imaginary fear, a false susfoL1-of-of-say, s. salse oath, perjury. fçfè, fìas, s. prayer, supplication, emfossal, s.a.litter, pålki. streaty, request, fiff, s, the epilepsy; catsit, epileptic. fússo, s. pepper, chilly; a cathartic seed. forgio, or coséïs, s. a kind of jacket. *fissis, s, the chief man of a village. fossi, v. n to coalesce, agree, rhyme, associate, to correspond, match, tally with, unite, incorporate, suit, to be reconciled, to be obtained, to meet (a person). fo, s. concord, union, consent, society. for,s, a coalescing, a coming in contact, agreeing, joining, according with, a being reconciled, obtaining of a thing. fosso, a. affable, social, friendly. foLA, s, a place of rendezvous. foil, v. a. to unite, reconcile, to revise, compare, to check accounts, to collate, adjust, join, to mingle, mix, to procure. foto, s, the making of things agree with one another, a reconciling, a uniting. frosioi, s. social intercourse, sociality. fostoft, a. social, affable, friendly.