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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৭৯

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সুক্ষম সুষি, সুষির, s. a tube, apipe, ahole, a cavity, an excavation; a wind instrument. সুষিদ্ধ, a. well effected or accomplished, completely proved or established. *Too, a fast asleep, sleeping soundly. ofo, s. a sound sleep, a dead sleep. oforos, causing sound sleep, soporific. ofesso, a somniferous, soporific. Tosol, s, a state of profound sleep. সুষ্ঠু, ad, well, excellent, plentifully, abun*****, a well wrought or done. [dantly. o, a well armed, dressed or harnessoissa, s a good son or descendant. [ed. of Asso, s. a fine time, an auspicious time. ***, a. easy to be borne, tolerable. onto, a, easily, practicable. [help. সুসার, sufficiency, pecuniary means, ease, off, s, a kind of striped cloth made of silk ofo, a well-served. [and thread. Foss, a. easy to be served. [lazy, slow. **, *, a. dejected, low-spirited, indolent, **IfE, a. indolent, lazy, slow, dilatory: s. indolence, laziness. সুস্তিগিরী, #f g•i=1, s. indolence, laziness. *Tog, a. well situated, placed in comfortable circumstances, hale, healthy, easy. *Togol, -o, s. health, ease, comfort. offa or, a very firm or stable, steady, still. সুসপষ্ট, a. clear, distinct, evident, very plain, intelligible, articulate. Taoto, ad clearly, distinctly, plainly, evidently, intelligibly, articulately. ***, *, a good or auspicious dream. *[q g, s. an agreeable sound: a fine-toned. **I's, a well-tasted: e. a good taste. ofo, a fast held, satiated, satisfied, fit, right, kind, friendly. *****, *, the dogstar, the star Sirius. সুহৈ লগুষ্যযোগfদন, s. the dogdays. সুহৃদ, s. a friend, an associate, ally, crony. isio, a good-hearted, friendly, kind. own, s, the separation of friends, the breach of friendship. খুঁই, #3, offs, off, s, a needle. ziwa, a. minute, attenuated, fine, thin, subtile, atomic, delicate, precise, exact, neat, accurate, correct, ingenious. [ 367 ) সূর্য্য

      • , *. fineness, minuteness, attenuated state, thinness, delicateness, ingenuity. ****f, a. sharp-sighted, intelligent. ofo, or footo, s. a keen intellect, penetration: a. ingenious, keen, penetrating, sharp, witty, shrewd. সুক্ষমশরীর, s: a fine or subtile body. সুন্ধৰ্মীভূত, a attenuated, become fine, minute, delicate, or ingenious. [nuated. সুস্বামীভূতহ ezt, s. rarefaction, a being atte*|5*, a. informing, pointing out, indicating, making known: s, an informer. of St. s. information, an indication. #5ātā, or 451, a.informable, indicable. offs, e. a needle, a pyramid, a cone. foots, an excavation of a conical form. সুচিত, a.informed, indicated, made known. ofssor, e. a particular kind of arrow. #5tvia, s. a table of contents, an index. 5575s, e. the point of a needle; a. acumiসুগ্রগ্রাকৃতি, a. conical, muricated. [nated. GSINTs, a receiving information. সুগ্রাকৃতি, a needle-shaped, acerose. [tents. S, goa, o an index, table of cono, a charioteer; thread; -oš, to spin. HSB,a. birth: s. impurity after childbirth. ***sūl, s, the spinning of thread. ***Icoils, s, the impurity of childbirth. সুতলী, s. twine, packthread, string. ol, e. thread, twine, yarn; -o, to spin. ofol, a delivered: e. a lying-in woman. স্থতি $175, s. a lying-in woman's room. isolcots, s. the diarrhoea or dysentery

when it attacks a lying-in woman. o, e. thread, line, twine, a clue, an axiom, aphorism, maxim, general rule. FAKK, HSIF, s. a earpenter, a joiner. ** {JI-D, the amplification of an axiom. so, a composed or delivered in axioms. o, s. a son; the penis of a child. *i, s. soup, broth, pease soup, sauce, gravy; a winnowing fan; -olos, a cook. {{*, *, the same with 85, which see. of s. a wicker fan for winnowing corn. ¿oía*1, s. a giantess, the sister of Ravana. off, s, the sun; -oss, crystal, a gem. offolk", s. an eclipse of the sun.