বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:১৯০৫ সালে বাংলা.pdf/৩০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটিকে বৈধকরণ করা হয়েছে। পাতাটিতে কোনো প্রকার ভুল পেলে তা ঠিক করুন বা জানান।

[ ২० ]

 the country,—we see not one or two here and there, but hundreds patiently suffering for the national cause, Martyrdom has sanctified Swadeshi,—it has stamped the movement with a glorified halo. And I make bold to say that so long as this policy of repression lasts, the Swadeshi cause will spread and prosper with increasing vigour.

 Gentlemen, I must not be understood, in all that I have said, to mean that the methods, employed in advancing the Swadeshi cause have been invariably right. My point is that the Government has mistaken the true end and scope of the movement. The stand taken by Swadeshi is one of defence not defiance. All the more we regret the attitude of the Government in view of the fact that it is now generally acknowledged in Anglo-Indian circles, that a new national sentiment as the product of English education has sprung up among the people of this country. Swadeshi is the result of that Sentiment. Why then should the ruling race keep away from the movement, as if it were designed for unlawful and sinister purposes? I ventur to think that Swadeshi furnishes the exact basis on which an entente cordiale may be established between Indians and Anglo-Indians. May we