বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড)/১৫৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে

শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ
জাতীয় পরিষদে যোগদানের আহবান জানিয়ে
নূরুল আমিনসহ উভয় অংশের নেতৃবৃন্দ
১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ১৯৭১


Bhutto's Stand Deplored

Statements by Mr. Nurul Amin and other Political Leaders of the Two Wings on

February 10, 1971.

 Mr. Nurul Amin, President of Pakistan Democratic Party on Tuesday appealed to the elected representatives of the two wings of the country to attend the session of the National Assembly to frame a constitution for Pakistan worthy of the nation founded by Quaid-e-Azam.

 Giving his reaction to APP on Mr. Bhutto's Peshawar statement, Mr. Nurul Amin said: It is unfortunate that leaders of two majority parties namely Sheikh Mujib and Z. A. Bhutto', should have failed to arrive at an understanding on the broad principles of the constitution during the recent parleys in Dacca, although people had been under the impression from Press reports that the talks were progressing well.

 Mr. Bhutto's decision not to attend the ensuing session of the National Assembly is not only hasty and unhelpful, but also tends to create misgivings amongst the people about the prospects of early transfer of power. His imaginary plea that his party men will be double hostages in East Pakistan is highly objectionable.

 “This is an uncalled for aspersion on the people of this region. The PPP Chairman's altitude, to say the least, is deplorable”.

 A Lahore message adds: The Amir of Jamat-e-Islami Maulana Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi on Tuesday described as improper an attempt to seek solution of constitutional problems outside the National Assembly and refusal to attend the session and thus creating a constitutional deadlock of this juncture.

 In a Press statement Maulana Maudoodi said the proper thing was that all those who have been elected by the people as their representative should take part in the session, giving up extreme attitude.

 All big or small parties who were in minority should not present their own drafts of the constitution. Only the majority party should present its draft and all those parts of the draft which were in consonance with Islamic character of the state. Solidarity of the country, democratic principles, fundamental rights and equity to all regions and economic justice should be accepted and all other things which were in contravention of these principles should be opposed with strong and congent reasons.

 And if the majority party still insisted on the basis of its numerical strength it should be made clear that even if such a constitution was passed, it would not be a success and the majority party would be fully responsible for the results.

 He said the present critical situation was the result of successive mistakes committed from late 1968 to the polling day, Now any step not taken in the right direction might put the very existence of the country into jeopardy.

Ataur Rahman

 The Chief of the Pakistan National League, Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan termed Mr. Bhutto's stand as a move to divide the country.

 He said that Mr. Bhutto should have attended the National Assembly session and taken part in discussion on the constitution. In case he had failed in his efforts then only Mr. Bhutto could take such a decision, Mr. Ataur Rahman Khan said.

Salam Khan

 Mr. Abdus Salam Khan, former President of East Pakistan PDP thought that Mr. Bhutto's decision not to come to attend the Assembly was inappropriate. He said that for the purpose of transfer of power to people's Government and for framing of a constitution, the participation of Mr. Bhutto and his party MNAs in the forthcoming National Assembly Session would be a wise decision.