বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (প্রথম খণ্ড)/৭৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে

শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ
কেবলমাত্র উর্দুকে রাষ্ট্রভাষা হিসেবে স্বীকৃতি দানের আহবান-ডঃ হক দ্য ডন ১১ই মে, ১৯৫৪


Dr. Haq’s statement

 The following is the full text of Dr. Abdul Haq’s statement on the state language formula issued yesterday. “The language formula proposed by the Muslim League Party and subsequently approved by the Constituent Assembly merits careful examination. The authors of the formula have drafted it with great ingenuity and skill, and every word has been so meticulously chosen as destroy the chances of Urdu and disable it from gaining any strength anywhere in Pakistan. In this sedulous care to weaken Urdu the whole formula has been rendered vague contradictory and meaningless.

 “The first clause of the formula lays down to State Language for Pakistan-Bengali and Urdu. This is entirely unacceptable to us. To juxtapose two such languages as are opposed to each other in genius and farm is highly objectionable. The Bengali language has Nagri or Sanskrit script. Whereas Urdu is written in Arabic script. Bengali is written from left to right and Urdu from right to left.

 “Bengali has been nurtured by famous poets and authors of Bengali and Urdu has had its growth and development in the tradition of Islamic culture and learning. The simile and metaphors, symbols and references of Bengali are mostly taken from the Hindu mythology, while Urdu derives its material and motive force from Arabic and Persian and is steeped in Islamic lore and religious tradition.

Before Partition

 “Our demand for Pakistan was based on the argument that we wanted to safeguard our religion, culture and language. It was for this reason that the Architect of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had categorically declared in the most unequivocal terms that the state language of Pakistan would be Urdu and Urdu alone, and no other language could be made the state language of Pakistan. We stand by this declaration firmly and consider any deviation from the Quaid’s command a betrayal of Pakistan.

Our Ideal

 (1) “There can be only one national and state language of Pakistan, and that in the words of the Quaid-i-Azam is Urdu and Urdu alone, and no other language can claim its place.

 (2) “Within a year the process of replacing English by Urdu should be so begun that before the end of two years all government offices and courts carry on their business in Urdu. Urdu is fully capable of fulfilling the requirement of an official language for the country.

 (3) “Urdu should be made the medium varsities. Beginning with 1955, all stages should be completed with five years, and the books and syllabi required for the purpose should prepared in the meantime.

 (4) “The Anjuman Traqqi-e-Urdu is ready to offer any assistance in implementing 2 and 3 above. What is mentioned in clauses.

 (5) “Finance should be found for the institution of an Urdu University and Government should also come forward with generous assistance in this connection.

 To achieve this aim, we need sincere workers from the various parts of the country. Associations should be formed and money should be found for the many allied tasks. The An juman has not been able to make much headway in this behalf for lack of funds.

No Compromise

 “In the end I would say that we are not prepared to make any compromise in this connection. We will not rest content until Urdu is made the state language of Pakistan, for no other language of the subcontinent can compare with the Urdu in respect, of its vastness, its richness of resources, its effectiveness and comprehension in communication of ideas and feeling and its unlimited receptivity. It is, therefore, our claim that Urdu alone can be the national and state language of Pakistan. All other languages used in one part of the country of the other are regional languages or dialects, which are neither understood nor spoken beyond their limited frontiers.

 “Urdu alone has the University to be spoken or understood through continent, and is, therefore, equal to its claim to be the state language of the country.”