বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কেরাণী-দৰ্পণ * २१ (গোকুল বন্দ্যের প্রবেশ । ) গোকুল । (সভয়ে ছাতি চাদর রাখিয়া চৌকীতে বসিতে डेझाड । ) suplt. (catkrafts afli) Now, now, take your seat, get out of this Office, you lazy brute go out at once. গোকুল । (ভয়ে কম্পিত ও অধবদন) Sir | it is not ten as yet. I have to come from a great distance, I left home before eight o' clock Sir Supdt No matter when you leave home, you must come here in time. Costol I always come here exactly at nine : this morning the current of the river being against us has caused this delay. Supdt, I dont want to hear all these monsense, river against or wind against you must obey my order. Cossos | Mr. Fop always comes late, he attends, the Office at 11 o'clock, and no words to him. Supdt. Hold your tongue, you beast; Mr. is a Gentleman, he is fiot like you, he has other business to attend. ( Cottoosa ag afti) Gotout of the Office, you wretch. -