বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

७० কেরাণী-দপণ । newcomers; and this country is not at all suited to Europeans, but mind you, this is a money making spot no doubt. Scarcely you will find any one at home fairing badly who has made a voyage from India, especially we marchants, carrying on our business simply by the money of the natives who are very simple and never hesitate to, lend. to Europeans. By the by James, the Babu will be coming today— take care how you answer him.–Now he has a son and he is trying to make him a Banian so he will offer you the money—but take care you must not accept it first.–You can tell hini what I have instructed you. Dont forget to tell that you have brought money with you, certă , Oh yes unele, I must obey γου, নেপথ্যে। সাহেব হ্যায় পেয়াদ । বড় সা | James, the Babu has come. ( রামকমল ও গোরিকান্তের প্রবেশ । ) রাম ও গৌরি।– ( বড় সাহেবকে লম্বা সেলাম করিয়া দণ্ডায়মান । ) . . . . <s xl 1 Good morning Babüs, Take your seats.