পাতা:ধর্ম্মানুষ্ঠান (প্রথম খণ্ড).pdf/৩১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

slo তঁহার পুত্রেরা যথোপযুক্ত সমারোহে শ্ৰাদ্ধাদি নিম্পন্ন করিয়া ছিলেন । Amerita Basar (Daily)- 'The preceptor (Guru) of Raja Bahadore of Lalgola Pandit Kali Brahmo Bhattacharjea died of Apoplexy at the ripe old age of 75 years on the Ist January last leaving behind six sons - - - - - - - - - - He was a tantric of the class Bir. His door was always open to the needy and the poor. His smiling and grave appearance his long and fine stature used to remind us of the description of Roghu hy Kalidas. 柴 将 来源 来源 来源 The Bengalee (Daily)- We greatly deplore the death of Pandit Kali Brohmo Bhattacherjea of Lalgola Murshidabad. He is a friend of the poor. His smiling face attracts everyone who comes in contact with him for a few time. He might have amassed a good fortune had he been to that nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 学 来源 米 兴 米 来 We sympathise his sons heartly. The StatesmanMurshidabad District lost an ideal 'Tantric' at the death of Pandit Kali Brohmo Bhattacherjea of Lalgola. We may call him a "Full man' in the strictest sense. He has spent his life as if he is not a man of this world. We heartly sympathise his death.