পাতা:বাঙ্গলার ইতিহাস-অষ্টাদশ শতাব্দী-নবাবী আমল.pdf/৬১৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

- পরিশিষ্ট । * proportionably to the emergency. Besides these, the force of the English Company shall always attend one when they are wanted. 7. Wherever I shall six ny court, either at Moorshedabad or elsewhere. I will advise the Governor and the Council , and what number of English forces I may have occasion for in the management of my affairs, I will demand them and they shall be allowed me, and an English gentleman shall reside with me, to transact all asfairs between me and the Company and a person shall also reside on my part at Calcutta to negociate with the Governor and Council, 8. The late Perwannahs issued by Kossim Ally Khan, granting to all merchants the exemption of all duties for the space of two years, shall be reversel and called in, and the duties collected as before. 9. I will cause the Rupees coined in Calcutta to pass in every respect equal to the siccas of Moorshidabad, without any deduction of batta ; and whosoever shall demand batta shall be punished. io. I will give thirty lakhs of Rupees to defray all the expenses and loss accruing to the Company from the war and stoppage of their investment ; and I will reimburse to all private persons the amount of such losses, proved before the Governor and Council, as they may sustain in their trade in the country. If I should not be able to discharge this in ready money, I will give assignments of land for the amount. 1 r. I will confirm and renew the Treaty which I formerly made with the Dutch. r2. If the French come into the country, I will not allow them to erect any fortifications, maintain force, hold lands, Zemindarries, &c, but they shall pay tribute, and carry on their trade as in former times. 13. Some regulations shall be hereafter settled between us for deciding all disputes which may arise between the English Agents and Gomastahs, in the different parts of the country, and my officers. In testimony whereof we, the said Governor and Council, have set our hands and fixed the seal of the company to one part hereof and the Nobab aforenamed, hath set his hand and seal to another part hereof; which were mutually done, and interchanged at Fort William, the Ioth day of July 1763. (Signed) Henry Vansioart, (Signed) John Carnac. ++ William Billers. ** Warren Hastings. ++ Randolph Marriott. * * Hugh Watts. Demand made on the part of the Nobab-Meer Mahomed Jaffer Khan, and agreed to by the Council at the time of signing the Treaty. I formerly acquainted the Company with the particulars of my own affairs, and received from them repeated letters of encourage ment and kindness, with presents. I now make this request that you will write in a proper manner to the Company, and also to the King