বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গলার ইতিহাস-অষ্টাদশ শতাব্দী-নবাবী আমল.pdf/৬১৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

on a বাঙ্গলার ইতিহাস । ment should hereafter appear advisable, that Monomed Reza Khan provided he has acquited himself with fidelity in his administration shall in such case be reinstate 1 in the Naibship of Dacca, with the same authority as heretofore. 3, The business of the collection of the revenues, under the Naib-Soubah, be divided into two or more branches, as may appear proper and as I have the fullest dependence and confidence on the attachment of the English, and their regard to my interest and dignity, and desirous of giving them every testimony thereof, I do further consent, that the appointment and dismission of the Muttasuddees of those branches, and the allotment of their several districts, shall be with the approbation of the Governor and Council; and considering how much men of my rank and station are obliged to trust to the eyes and recommendations of the servants about them, and how liable to be deceived, it is my further will that the Governor and Council shall be at liberty to object and point out to me when improper people are entrusted, or where my officers and subjects are oppressed, and will pay a proper regard to such representations, that my affairs may be conducted with honor, my people everywhere be happy, an their grievances be redressed, 4. I do confirm to the Company, as a fixed resource, for defraying the ordinary expenses of their troops, the Chucklas of Burdwan, Midnapore, and Chittagong, in as full a munner as heretofore ceded by my father, The sum of five lakhs of sicca Rupees per month for their maintenance was further agreed to be paid by my father; I agree to pay the same out of my treasury, while the exigency for keeping up so large an army continues. Where the company's occasions will admit of a diminution of the expenses they are put to on account of those troops, the Governor and Council will then relieve me from such a proportion of this assigment, as the increased expenses incurred by keeping up the whole force necessary for the defence of the Provinces will admit of: And as I esteem the Company's troops entirely equal thereto as my own, I will only maintain such as are immediately neces. sary for the dignity of my person and government, and the business of my collections throughout the Proviness, 5. I do ratify and confirm to the English the privilege granted to them by their Firmaund and several Husbulhookums of carrying on their trade by means of their own dustuck, free from all duties, taxes or impositions, in all parts of the century, excepting in the article of salt, on which a duty of 2% per cent is to be levied on the rowma or Hooghly market price. 6. I give to the Company the liberty of purchasing half the saltpetre produced in the country of Purnea, which their Gomaslahs shall send to Calcutta; the other half shall be collected by my Fouzdar for the use of my offices; and I shall suffer no other persons to make purchases of this article in that Country. 7. In the Chuckla of Sylhet for the space of five years,