বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১০২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

চাদ 5ito, impelling, urging on; a permit. Bāīzāl, motion, movement. Blà, a journey, race, course, 5sors, current, customary; sent. Efāzē, moveable, unsteady; fluid. চলুক, a handful of water; oscillat5:#a, spilling, flowing over. [ing. 5äß, action, custom, course. 5 Hz, a drinking-vessel. 5 Ha, ploughing, tilling. Esso, eating; killing, destroying. 5 Ife, ploughing, husbandry ; wages for ploughing. t;zft, a ploughman. GE ET, soft mud, dirt, mire. 51, wish, desire, want ; tea. sto, the kick of an animal, a kick backwards. stofa, desire, look, glance. ETTF, uncooked rice. 51 go, desiring, wishing; seeing. ūsā, a clod; chief, protector. 55, a reed mat; to scrape, to pare off the surface. ŠTEF, scraping, paring, planing. išT5z, curled, crisped ; a curl. ŠTÍ5, scrapings, shavings, parings. #TW, the moon. #7:1, an awning; a building the roof of which is supported by pillars and open on all sides; moonlight. 94 চাটে État, a subscriptiom, a contribution. §forg, ridge of a thatched house at the top. ištít, white, clear; silver. ištúWT:1, an awning, a canopy. চাপা, a flower tree; an ornament for the ear. bizo, a wheel; a honeycomb. 5tzG=T, 5f-TR, tasting, relishing. চাকভুমী, revolving, turning round. 51zīā1, district, manor; circular. চাকশূল, a medicinal drug. 51431, a wheel, circle, disc. STEFİ, mill, grindstone, spindle. 51-554), glittering, brilliancy. SIĘst, a wafer, a round slice. 5THES, visible, before one's eyes. 5Toso, coming on, setting about, bestiring. [rousing. 5tsstos, bringing on, stimulating, 5tol, healthy, sound, strong. 5ts1, paternal uncle. STSzot, unstable, easily coaxed. 51:sāJ, fickleness, instability. Efö, a thief; a sauce. 5Türs, licking up, lapping. bio, a kick like that of a horse. 5Isis, fit to be sucked. FIF, STEfGF, soft words, flattery. চাটুকার, a Hatterer. 5Túzīā, a jester, buffoon, cheat. চাটুয়l, the flat palm of the hand. 5ttà, wholly, entirely, altogether.