বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১০৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


िो. sugar; Chinese. fggo, thoughtful, anxious. föga, reflecting, pondering, cogi

tating. f551, anxiety, thoughtfulness. forczon, a council-chamber. footsfo, a fabulous gem supposed to furnish its possessor with whatever he thinks upon. f5&so, wringing out, expressing. f5feiữag, f5f5, rice soaked, parch ed and flattened. fos, chewing, masticating. fsst, fsz, fsgæ, the chin. fsstēzi, holding fast with the fingers or nails, pinching, nipping. f5,5l, pincers, nippers, tongs. fo, sticking, adhering, shri velling. f5#1, a pod, husk; shrivelled. f5?syst, causing to shrink; WTInglng. f5?!, awake, active, alert. f5:TN, awakening, stimulating. f5?!, of long standing; a rent. forzosoft, dilatory, slow, loitering. f5 offo, chronic, lasting, old. f5?so, tearing, rending, lacerating. foot, foot, a comb. [ancient. f5go, foss-, of long standing, for-oto, long lived; Vishnu. চিরনীহারবাহু, glacier. চিরুনীহার সীমা, snow-line. H 97 瓦命 o চিরমোহী, an ass. চিরাচণ, a kite. forts, a long time, of old. fog, the armpit. fsä, the common kite. fox, the bowl of a hooka. fossifs, a brass washland basin. footfol the lightning, the firef5:41, the shed of a staircase. Ifly. f5H, sore-eyed; a kite. f5HT3, a pick-pocket, a pilferer. fsz, a sign, mark, token, signal. fsfo, marked, denoted; covef5é!, neighing of a horse. [nanted. 5ts&sor, a screaming, outcry. sta, a kind of deer; a fine cloth; a flag; China. 5tzos, cloth to hide the privities. 5tz, cloth made of the bark of trees, clothes, a rag. 5ts, rent, torm, split. $37, burning, calcined. Es, a blunder, mistake, error. Boss, roar of a lion. o, whetting, sharpening. 5&T, deciding, terminating. Boo, glossy, shining, oily. ofo, a bargain, adjustment. 5 F, acidity, sorrel, tamarind. Est, a socket, cup, tube, pipe. সুচক §5t, the nipple, the breast. 53, the musk-rat. sing. o, striking, smiting, wound