বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৩৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

দাড় worzo, a name of Rávana. w*tfäxTi, a treatise on numeration. Woffo, a hundred. wool, of ten sorts, ten times. W*IN, a tooth, tusk, fang. দশন বাশাঃ, the lips. Watford, decimal. Totatüt, the moon. w*IPIöi, ten medicimal roots. Wrrors, a thousand. Wril, state, condition; a wick; the end of piece of cloth. Weiszät, a lamp. w*rf*T*, a mame of Rdvana. W*T*, the moon. Wojtotal, unlucky, destitute. Woo, a lamp. WCosos, a beast of prey. WCorozo, a desert. 7 gi, pewter, zinc. Was, a thief; fire. THJ, a robber, plunderer. Wo, a whirlpool, abyss. Wor, burning, conflagration. দহনকেতন, smoke. wasatso, water. Wojsso, that which is burning. W!, a sickle, bill-hook, cleaver, Ffē7, a ringworm, tetter. WRößl, a reaper, mower. WIgA, reaping, mowing. iso, an oar; a perch; penalty. is goof, a raven, carrion-crow. 130 দীন irgi, an axle; a clue; method, #Rota, standing upright. ŘTĚt, a rower, boatman; the mark () used in writing as a full stop or for the division of lines in poetry. isotoisel, a pair of scales. দাড়ক, stocks, fetters. its, a tooth, tusk, fang. দাঁতকপাটী, lock-jaw. #To Tai, having large teeth. wif*r*IJ, a vulture. WT:FJ, skill, talent, ability. WIss, a stain, mark, blot. FIF, a tooth; key-ward; the chin. WTF1, claws. 7Ifg, the chin, beard. WIfgs, a pomegranate. Wissl, a club, bludgeon, bat. WT, cut off. [be bestowed. WRozs), fit to be given, proper to WT5i, a giver; liberal, generous. WToo, liberality, generosity. WTG, a bill-hook, cleaver, sickle, WIW, an elder brother. দাদু, a ringworm, tetter. win, a donation, gift, giving. WITF1, a saucy beggar. Wsztofol, a deed of gift, will. FIRT, a demon, fiend, giant. WIRoš, a prostitute. WFIAIf, an inferior god. WRostā, liberal, charitable.