বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৪

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

অধি অধশ্চৌর, a burglar. Rozson, situated beneath. NYSIs, beneath, from below. $J*f*, situated below. sf*-, over, possession. Sofo, more, much, more than. Rosso, moreover, in addition; especially. $f<<< possessing; locative case. Sofotos, a majority, most part. sfossosz, more and more. *If sofa, possession, right, estate. oforst, proprietor, owner, one having a right or privilege. Sofo, possessed as a right. ofoss, invasion, infringement. *ffo, turned away, sent. Sofosso, known ; attained. Sofoss, acquiring, obtaining. sEfoezJaE1, table-land on a mounSofol, presiding deity. [tain. Sofo, demigods, demons, &c. Sofovi, of viso, lord, sovereign. Rosfossi, continuation of the world. Sofossi, a ceremony, preliminary to a festival. অধিভূত, elements of nature. Sofossi, knowledge of the properties of the three letters comprised in the syllable Ś. Sofossiri, intercalary month. অধিরাজ, an emperor, sovereign. Sofosso, the universe, 6 অধ্যা sfase:s, receptacle, focus oforol, governor, president. ofoto, abiding; fixed rule. $ât E, read, studied. SIFR, subject to, dependent. NÄRF, hasty, fickle; mot slow. অধীশ্বর, a sovereign, a lord. Sol, recently, lately, now. অস্তৃতি, laxity, want of restraint. অদৃষ্ট, diffident, unassuming. FSNCFFI, uncontainable ; unassu mable. SÈ<=j, impatience, rashness. SIG Tf5f5, descended, gone down. SC&ICMoi, the lower part of any thing. SCHIE7, inferior, subordinate. KTCT-I, downcast, dejected, hanging down the head through shame. STLTTETAF, the infernal region. SIXJ-5, superintendent, ruler. =I&Jos, the syllable 3, trinity. off, wedding-present to a bride made before a fire. otz, a slave; wholly subject. E[[Joss], perseverance, devoted ness to an object. ΣΤζΤΣΙΣ, reading, study. RT3T3, substituted for; placed in the stead of another. Rossos, spiritual; inherent. SI&Jizio, instructor.