বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৪৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

দোল I two, religious ceremonies. Razgā, astrologer, fortune-teller. two ot, revelation. *Woosts, divine interposition; sudden, unexpected. [ally. two costs, providentially, accidenttwo so, subject to providence. *Wors, accidentally, providentially. RITát, providential occurrence, un expected event. two so, a divine judgment. Yazİı, length, longitude. দৈটিক, a fatalist. . to so, relating to the body. cost-for-13s, the shoulders. Cosos, repeated, doubled. CT-T, halter, yoke-tie, tether. Cool, one who milks cattle, a calf. দোস্ত্রী, milch cow. CWT51-1, a dilemma. Coso, double-dealer, cheat. Cosso, an option, alternative. Colosso, swinging, oscillating. Cosos, a calf. Cosfosol, a twice-married woman. CTITTST, a half-ripe cocoanut. Coso, the string of a harp. Cossío, a large leather bag. CWToso, strong. Cossai, the armpit. Cossos, the hold festival. C"Tàiz", pendulum. Cossío, swinging, oscillating. o o તઃ Cososol, swinging; a cradle. Cool, a swing, palki, litter. Cosososo, swinging, oscillating. Coloiz. Io, a pálki or litter bearer. coifol, a swing, a litter. Colos, fault, defect, guilt, crime. Coso, a calf. Cossos, injurious, hurtful. [nal. CossCooo, scene of crime, a crimiC71*{5Γτχσι, a calumniator. çHTEISTE E, fault-finder, accuser: CWTT1, the night. CWTTWTsa, mutual recriminating. দোষাস), a lamp. CWTosol, criminating, finding fault. Cosfos, a disease, illness. coist, guilty, in fault, defective. Cososos, a second, a co-operator. CFT3, sport, service. CW so Si, milk. CWT3.7, a longing desire; a foetus. Color, milking; wringing out, Cossos, wish, desire. [drawing. Cosol, a couplet, a sort of verse. দেহি পিনয়, milk. Gossosos, a prompter, a second. CMI-Tosi, twofold, double, again. cù#, a run, race, scramble. coign, running, scampering. o, office of a messenger. colosso, a doorkeeper, porter. দৌরাত্ম্য, violence, outrage. দেীর্জন্য, unprincipled conduct. 7.