বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৪৮

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ধন্থ o, the body. §§1, a piece of rag. oxEgiz, fluttering, floundering. off, property, wealth, riches; the sign plus. - $f=T_gz, the god Agni, Arjuna. *RWT:t, giving wealth; fire. *Rosso, or assist, Kuvera, god of riches. &T's, wealthy, rich, opulent. gatos, wealthy, very rich. or Tossos, a treasury, storehouse. $ffossoff, a treasurer; Kuvera. &T&T, acquisition of wealth. Kf81, a plant used as hemp. ofot, the 23d lunar mansion. ofät, wealthy, rich, opulent. oitol, a young girl. Koso, To, a bow (for shooting). ধনুবৎ, arched, curved, bent. ***, a bowstring. ধনুৰ্দ্ৰ, bamboo. বনু স্বর, ধনুভূৎ, a bowman, archer. *Toots, twang of a bowstring; Spasm. KTERE, rigidity from spasms. oscos, the god of riches, Kuvera. goal, defective sight, mistake. &{FU, fortunate, happy, blessed. * RJosso, thanksgiving, blessing. ধন্য, ধন্যাক, ধনিয়1, the coriander Seed. *{A, a bow. 140 ধর্ম goof, physician of the gods; {31, a desert. [Shυα. zszt, a bowman, archer. Kizo, linen cloth; a husband. {zsä, white; a kind of leprosy. zzāl, oit, a white cow. Ideer. #sfü, a fan made of the skin of #TTT, reproof, scolding, threat; a blacksmith. asso, Tosi, a vein, artery, nerve. zrīzē, bellows; gust of wind. *Noffs, scolding, threatening. #so, braided hair, the hair tied in a bunch behind the head. Žss, mountain; cotton. *::so, seizing, holding, taking, catching. z zrel, dunning; a scaffold. isofol, seizing, holding, catching. grät, the earth. orgotosz, a mountain ; a king. #31, the earth; a seizing, holding. zo fū, a loan, debt; a ransom. #To, causing to seize; plastering ধরাত্মজ, Mars. [a wall. #TRoi, the surface; the earth. #Toss, a mountain; Vishnu. {{ITNoi, a terrestrial globe. #ffit, the earth. {#d, the sky; the water. ##47, acceptable, apprehensible. *:::f, inherent virtue, nature, tem per, character; religion, piety.