বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৫০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


  • T*A1, a kind of drum, a kettle

drum. «ffs , a kind of ratan basket. *TTI, a priest. *T:T, a margin, edge; loan; depth. *Toso, a holder; a person who examines the correctness of the text while another is reading the shastras; umpire; debtor. *Issa, holding; being in debt, owing. *Tosal, continuance in a right way, perseverance; resolution ; meMOry. [vessel of the body. *Tosét, straight line; a tubular *Taffit, the earth. *To so, edged, sharpened. *([[1, channel, a water-course, drops of rain in a heavy shower; custom. ধারাফুর, hail-stone. *Toto, a sacred place; sword. #TAT&os, a cloud; a sword. otzstaff, air, wind. *Tsztation, going with the stream. of a fatfozo, following the fashion. *TaTsota, a sword, scimitar. ofossă, sharp-edged, keen. *Tossoffs, a heavy shower. *Tát, bank, margin; holding. <ffF, a drinker. Tous. *Tfxito, pious, righteous, meritoriaffi, fit to be retained; settled. 142 ধুব ধাৰ্য্য, impudence, shamelessness. frg, fie on it ! curse on it! foots, contempt, reproach. foil, slow, cautious; pacified. fool, ost, intellect, understanding. ধিষ্ট্য, place; house; fire. offs, thirst. stFi, a daughter; intellect, un derstanding. #ffo, an organ of perception. otzos, a fisherman. kits.T.R, sensible, intelligent. #14, intelligent, cautious, slow. stz HF, a buffalo. 3tos, deliberately, slowly. zitää, a daughter. fixios, stafsa, a counsellor, adviser. §, shaking, quivering. £35, washing anything. ধুকন, panting, breathing hard. {{T, palpitating, panting. ধুত, shaken, agitated. ot, cloth about 10 cubits long worn round the waist by the natives of India. %{=If5, a cotton-cleaning instruo- ment; a pot for burning incense. FIF, cleaning cotton ; shaking. *f, *āi, a river. 43, ardour, energy, diligence. £sTfzft, sedition, tumult, uproar. ধূপ, incense. বুবন, fire.