বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৫৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

নর্ম Ross, bowing, descending. =[sfoss, worshipped, adored. ;{>TaTg, a salutation, bow. s(StäJ, worthy of respect. REI, RIU, lowly, humble, bent. Ros, nine; is not ; morality; game at dice. =UTF, the eye; obtaining. FT, a man, a male. Fúzo, the infernal region, hell. ZTTÆt, hellish, infernal. FIZIURZI, a sovereign; a bráhmin. Azîzifo, a sovereign, a governor. Rosszio, pleasing to man. Azis, soft, tender, gentle, mild. zzTC*fas, earth, habitation of mam. নরসি^হ, নৃসিংহ, Vishnu's fourth incarnation; a chief. Wolos, a barber. =[[ffo, corroborated, accredited. Rosso, beam of a weaver's loom. AzTsoi, a sovereign. z zgd. knife to pare the nails. ={Costă, Rosol, a sovereign, king. Foo, the nose. Azîz, a dancer, actor. Ron, dancing, acting. Awix1, a channel, drain, gutter. Afoss, sounded. axis, amusement, jocularity, fun. zotzitä, a husband. [mipples £xíû;, libertine, profligate; the Astol, name of a river. 146 क्राjठूक Ră, a reed, tube, measuring-rod. Răzo, drop of a nose-ring; a cylin drical bone. ={#if:{t, Răzătă, the knee-pan. Rån, nectar of a flower; the root of a kind of grass. Fäl, Rāsūl, the arm, arm-bone. Afān, a water-lily, lotus. Rfoot, a group of lotuses. zsfēgt, a fowler, birdcatcher. Fút, a tube, gun-barrel. Roots, emitting flashes, glaring. ¿TZI, four hundred cubits. Woos, liable to destruction. Rā, destroyed, ruined, spoiled. RÈGE È, immovable, inactive. Wii, strumpet, debauched woman. নষ্টাপ্তিসূত্র, stolen goods. = äöffù, turpitude, profligaey. Fūj1, RS, the nose. FTFU, snuff. Rf, no, not. Rojos, RoşCGot, the moon. Fú, not; or ; a boat. RTÉ, not, is not; a barber; navel. FfÊzil, a boatman; a washerman. RISTI, bathing, immersing. Rio, a gallant, paramour. Río, the nose; heaven, sky. stol, a polypus of the nose. AT&T, nasal. Río, a white ant; an ant hill. Rio53, relatingtotheconstellations.