বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৫৬

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

নাল offs, the navel, centre of a circle. Ffs, name, appellation, noun. atlaars, naming, christening. afssol, the multiplication table. নামধর, named, denominated. its Co., a name, appellation. RTT, descending, alighting, coming down. [tree. itszú, hanging roots of a banyanRTE, famous, illustrious. afsTfù¥1, the cholera morbus. =TSTR, letting down, lowering; purging. =TSTāfā, a kind of cloth worn by the Hindus which is printed like chintz with the names of their gods. =tosso, shelter in a name. FTCSIs, the lower part, bottom. Fitz, guidance, instruction. atzzo, a lover, leader, guide. =lfgos, a mistress, wife. ZTTēt, infernal, hellish. • FTT1, water. Atatüt, an orange. =Tots, an iron arrow, a shuttle. at:Tool, a name of Vishnu, =Trafft, Lakshmi, wife of Vishnu. =UtfãGGEI, a cocoanut. aft, a woman, a female. RTstosis, the custom of women the menstrual flux. Tsoi, a tube, artery, vein. 148 নিঃস afā, a streamlet, outlet, drain. নালিজঙ্ঘ, a daw. =Tfossi, a kind of potherb. :T:t, a tube, a running sore. -Tătă, a shaft, an arrow. *T*, destruction, ruin, damage. = I*IJ, perishable, destructible. atfäa, bereaved, ruined, forlorn. নাস, snuff. [nose; a lintel. FT-1, the nose, a tumor in the =tfozol, the nose. zitätzs, a vanguard. affo, not in existence. Fitfgzē, unbeliever, infidel, atheist. ziff RSA, non-existence, nonentity. FT3, a trap. [down, a negative. fé , a prefix meaming under or foot-, wringing out, expressing. fo, a prefix implying separation. foots, tranquil, at ease, placid. fo:*[o, fearless, secure, safe. footo, silent, noiseless, mute. fogotász, solitary, desolate. soofs, entire, without remainder. foot, foot, a flight of steps, ladder. [beatitude. fos, emancipation, welfare; ficati, rebuke, reproach. fo, solitary, without society. firso, weak, feeble. foots, childless, without issue. ft:HG=F=, doubtless, certain. fosso, whole, without joint.