বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৬২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

নিল নিভাজন, being disinherited, being discarded. ffoa pierced, wounded; identical. fréfo, intrepid, fearless. foot, free from mistake, infallible foom, sober, unexcited, humble. for Ta, want of natural affection. fosissista, disrespectful, irreverent. footá, free from filth, pure, clear. fosta, making, forming, modelling. footrol, a maker, fabricator. fostoia, causing to make. footto, a maker, author, builder. foots), flowers that have been offered to a god. fifts, made, moulded, built. নির্মুক্ত, liberated, set free, loosened. festzi, destitute of a rootor origin. facto, without intellect, dull. foLottas, the cast skin of a snake. foston, revenge, retaliation. fossa, a going forth, departure. fosts, sailor, navigator. frostā, decoction, drift; positive. নিমূহ, crown, summit. fEssē, shameless, impudent. fifís, unmixed, unconnected. foota, extracting, evacuating. footát, widely fragrant. নিহেতুক, without reason or motive. fúsà, a sound, noise, report. fogo, funeral rites. fissä, house, habitation, abode. 154 নিষ fo, absorption, extinction. নিলিম্পা, a fountain; a cow. fosts, enwrapt, absorbed. foot, night. নিশাকরা, নিশাপতি, the moon. fR*ITSAT, a night prowler. fi*rfû, an owl. fR*ITF, a hunter, a fowler. footosíž, watchman, night guard. নিশাবন, hemm. নিশাহেদী, a cock. fR*T=gl, turmeric. fift, night. soforo, sharpened, whetted, set. fR*ftet, midnight. fR*ftforzīt, night. foss, profound sleep. fitters, a heron. fR*55, certain; certainty. fR*5H, immoveable, stationary. fossia, one who decides, umpire. fossa, wind; wilfulness. fitfoss, ascertained and certain. ffog, without anxiety, careless. নিশচীয়মান, anything certain. food, a black powder used as dentifrice. fossi, without exertion, listless. fos, without hole or flaw, blameless. fossi, breath, respiration. নিষঙ্গ, a quiver, case for arrows. fR sa, placed, established.