বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৮১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পিছ৷ oison, trisling or empty talk. eitersit, witset, a ring ior the toe. ot-so, a herd of beasts. * Iol, dice; an ear-ornament. offeriosises, abreast, side by side. oirot, fowler; one who extracts the juice of anything. zirgs, heretical, impious; a heretic. vitats, a rock, stone. offstol, a stone-cutter's tool. পাটি, dice. . virzīgrs, forgetting, erring. - erfz Am, forgetfulness. witHots, walking, moving on. *II: Ty, a mountain, a hill. foso, the black cuckoo; spittle. পিকন্দু, the mangoe-tree. foso, the young of an elephant. fosszi, forstyl, tawny. foibosoft, a syringe, squirt. fosso, the rheum of the eyes. foi saj, fois, cotton. পিচট, lea î. foisses, the abdomen, the belly. fosso, a tail; peacock's tail. fosso, sauce mixed with gruel; slippery. [desisting. for, falling back, receding, førzsi, slippery, slimy, wet. foot, slipping, sliding. footá, the hinderpart, rear, stern. foot, causing to recede; hind er part. - 173 পিতৃ footfonso, one after another. fosto, behind, afterwards. foros, power, strength. foiosis, the rheum of the eyes. foso, anxious, distressed ; power. foi-szi, carding cotton or wool. foot, a cage; the thorax; a rib. for go, the sulphate of arsenic. fool, cotton; turmeric. foi grz, gold. fossol, a roll of cotton. পিঙ্গুষ, the excretion of the ear. fosi, o, beating, hammering out. fæ#1, a rammer, mallet. fossi, a cake. foiâTâr, a pulp of ground rice. fogo, a pimple, a boil. fosyl, a raised floor; a wooden seat to squat upon. foss, a lump, ball, clod. foioso, a funeral offering. foioso, an elephant. foro, an embankment, a dam. foiososos, partaking of the funeralfoiszi, a beggar. [cake. foissoszi, steel. foi stai, a bridge. footos, a pomegranate-tree. foots, braggart, a sop; lazy. fossi, father. fores:Ig, paternal grandfather. foss, a father; paternal. fool, funeral obsequies.