বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৮৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পূরে। o, Indra, king of the gods. »Ft, a matron, housewife. পুরশ্চরণ , mode of religious service.

  • {{*&W, a kind of coarse grass.

পুরস্কার, reward, present, gratuity. পরস্কাৰ্য্য, deserving reward. o, rewarded, honoured. of a gis, before, in front; eastward. 33t, mistress of a family. *[[4, standing in front. org1, formerly, completed. পুরাণ, a legendary shastra; old. wrotox, old, ancient, antique. ogton, ancient story, legend. পুরাবৃত্ত, history, tradition, legend. *{#t, a residence, a town, city. ÄtSFS, an entrail, gut. পুরীষ, ordure, excrement. পুরু, thick, coarse. *FH, a man, a male. পুরুষকার,human conduct, courage. পুরুষক্রম, successive generations. পুরুষতা, manliness, valour. osić, manliness, courage. পুরুষোত্তম, an excellent man. o, abundant, plentiful. *Cats, preceding, chief. পরোড় , clarified butter. পুরোডাশ, sacrificial gh? or clari fied butter. পুরোধ, a family priest. পুরোবৰী, situated in front. পুরোহিত, a family priest. 176 পূগ zizi, zī£,horripilation thrill of joy. ziąfo,thrilledwith joy, delighted. oil, a sheaf, a wisp (of hay). off, shriveled grain; celerity. পুলায়িত, a horse's gallop. of, a kind of cake. *if so, sandbank, strand, island. o, a savage tribe. ofoil, parcel, bundle, package. o, sky; water; lotus; pond. *isofoil, a pond, tank. পুঙ্করী, an elephant. [an arrow. *so, much, many; feather end of *i; }, well-fed, fat, plump, well off. পুষ্টতাড়িত, positive electricity. পুষ্টি, support, aid, good condition. §zog, supporting, nutritious. *jæi, a flower, blossom ; nienses. *io, a flower, speck on the eye. **Rol, cupid, god of love. **{A, the honey in flowers. *Garziz, a florist. **Coo, pollen of flowers. **Tofo, a handful of flowers. *isofol, chapter, section; author. *{so, inflower, prime, blooming. *Goss, the Cupid. *issio, a musk-deer. *śJi, the eighth lunar asterism. ***, a book, volume. ol, a prop, embankment. [pile. *15, the betel-nut tree; a heap, a *]oso, betel-nut.