বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৯২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ಶಳ್ತ &rojato, sin, crime; harm, injury. oGoa, inspection. 2 of seaso, reflected, knowledge, recollection. & EsseCossos, a counter accusation. &Rojos, faith, trust, confidence. &tosfoss, believed, trusted. 헌GJ#ft, trustworthy. প্রত্যর্থী, a defendant, respondent. &rojzfa, delivering back, restoring. & EJo, daily; every day. zrzitatst, a scabbard, a sheath. & Rostosis, disregard, rejection. & Estorio, returning, return. & EJTWT, taking back, retaliating. arosso, declared by an oracle. 2[&IsTot, supernatural warning. oioso, bringing back. &RTsots, hope, expectation. &RITAR, near, nigh, contiguous. &JITs, the rear of an army. STEITSTAT, resumption, abstraction. & EJIo, resumed, taken back. o, answer, reply. &R, now, before the eyes. z grēgs, reply, answer, rejoinder. a joss', respectfully rising: &jsołą, reproductive; prompt. aross of, presence of mind. &Joioso, a return of kindness. eigJS, set in. & Jo, morning dawn, morning. & Jo, obstacle, impediment. 184 প্রপ 2Coso, each one, each, every. 2ions, first, previous, chief. 2,2'sso, in the first place, firstly. 221, custom, usage; celebrity. affç*, famous, illustrious. &ffairs, much thickness. ojoso, young of an animal. 27food, walking or going round. 273, given, presented. 273, clear, manifest, obvious. &Wos, otos, menorrhagia, a disease of women. &fa*fz showing, pointimg ont. 2Win, giving, presenting. প্রদিগ্ধ, Smeared, spread over. oft, fixed upon, appointed; instructed. 2totoi, a lamp, light, candle. &tato, enlightened, shining. 273, proud, hanghty, elated. &ICW*I, district, province, place. 2CW soft, the forefinger. 2CWF, an embrocation, smearing. & CWTs, evening, dusk, twilight. 2CWJT5, ray of light. 274, retreat, withdrawal. প্রত্ৰুত, retreated, fled. 2f&s, war, battle ; tearing. 2.3T, chief, principal, prime. &ff, circumference of a circle. পুধী, highly intellectual. &ioios, ideal existence; delusion. 21°sas, slack, dilatory, inactive.