বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


    • Cool, a goblin, spectre. SofCT", a pretext, pretence. Woo, abominable, accursed,

destructive. Noi Ros, removal. Noi Riss, a nickname. অপবর্গ, emancipation, beatitude. অপবর্ত abridging, reducing. অপবন্ত, a GONDITÀ Ora measure. NofETF, censure, accusation. **ioso, an inference, deduction. szifātā, unholy, impure, unclean. **if a., pulverized, shattered. So, prodigal expenditure. S{*f£TTl, vulgar language. Tosol, a fall; vulgar expression. Soisso, disrespect, indignity. Wooj, an unnatural death. Rossos, disgrace, infamy, ill-fame. SR’sos, another, other. - **i; Tú, the end of the night. No#T, continued, continual. Soisso, offence, fault, crime. SIosso, the afternoon. stoff:fts, immoderate, unmea sured, unlimited. stoforos, impure, foul, vague. Wolfoss, distant; narrow. So, vexed, mortified, annoyed. Noos, Strange, surprising; ugly. *** ETJ,another day, the morrow. Woffio, more than sufficient, unlimited; incomplete. 12 আপো Sofossos, denial, evasion; low discourse. Soss, the right-hand side. ST-IT-1, a removing, retreating. Sofoss, epilepsy, falling sickness. Sof: o, murder, slaughter. Soso I°, carrying off by unfair means, robbing? ST?i=1, SToi= Si, a murderer. o, carried off unjustly, stolen. So, denial; concealment. Ross-fift, the sea. ST-FTF, indigestion; unripe. Rossos, Outer corner of the eye. ofäz, inability, awkwardness. **iso, a mean vessel; unworthy perSOn. $°ff7ff), ablatiom ; ablative case. R°ifA, the anus; air inhaled. Stoffgā, unrestrained, self-willed. S(offs, destruction; hindrance. Soissos, shoreless, impassable. Rosso, incapable, incompetent. off:fff, impracticable. [also. অপি, অপিচ, Sofo, moreover, soforosso, covering, concealing. SIzitzGH, a catarrh. Sojos, a cake of flour, bread. slojá, unprecedented, wonderful. SWC’sol, expectation; than. SWCoios, not fit to drink: *C*Toto, beardless; a child, an infant.