বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২০৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বইৱা &f=ffo, organs of action. afoofsso, going out. বহি দ্বার, a gate. afācāor, foreign country; outskirts, an outer place used for evacuation. afāfā, an upper garment usually worn by devotees. afo, out of ; expelled. afor, averted, turned away. zsfēzēga, expulsion, exclusion. afogo, the outer surface. zsä, much, many, very. zoo, a crab, a king-fisher. zost, a broom-stick. zsä841, a brass cooking-vessel. zsä Woof, observant, experienced. zost, in various ways; manifold. zrz'TZT, thunder. zETSR, the plural number. zzstaf, in various ways; of vari OuS SOrtS. agāif, a compound adjective. TETSTÄt, talkative, garrulous. oloss, valuable,costly, expensive. Koso, diabetes. [a chameleon. zīgāzi, multiform, many-shaped, zsää, many, much, abundant. of, many times; of various zoo, an owl. [sorts. afo, fire, the god of fire. বহ্নিমুখ , a god, a deity. [satiable. Koloft, voracious, ravenous; in 200 বাধ Ti, or, either; an interjection exa pressive of surprise. afs, rheumatism; enthusiasm; a afor, an eel. [dancing-girl. ofo, a leaf, blade, fold, flap. zsfērs, twenty-two; an axe, a word expressive of astonishment. zsfēff, a wrist-ornament. afúši, insane, idiotic, mad. AT&foil, dwarf, pigmy, short. ztaff, a kind of tongs. AT&T, a lake, sheet of water. [ing. ZIŤ 8FITR, winnowing, sifting, toss#18, a fathom, six feet. ăsă, a bend; a carrying-pole. žfāgi, bold, impudent; foppish. ăţān, bending, bowing down, twisting. isol, bent, crooked, sinuous. [ing. #15, surviving, being safe, escap#15ts, rescue, escape, deliverance. ãIssa, preserving alive, saving. ăsas, barren, sterile, unfruitful. ătă, a share; a teat; tool-handle. āfān, distributing, dealing out. āfā-st:1, a weight for weighing. ăsă, a ball, pill, pebble, clod. &T; , discount, allowance. isios, of low stature, dwarfish. #ffy:1, without a tail, docked. #f73, a monkey. äT«,adam, embankment, stoppage. ãfort, tying, binding, fastening.