বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২১৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বিঘ্ন fo agitated, disturbed, anxious. foot,throwing; distress of mind. focose, agitation, anxiety, care. for, fai, faJ, flat nosel. fa əriztı, üiscoru in music. বিখর, a thief. f*IIIs, renowned, celebrated. f*IIIosa, speaking well of বিশ্ব, flat nosed. [worse. forgo, deteriorating, getting Fs ETA, spoiled, vitiated, im paired. foss, an adversary, enemy, foe. fosso, paying off a debt. foss, past, gone, extinct; a span. foots, departure, separation. [ing. forza, censuring, vilifying, abusfosso, fallen, dishevelled, loose. f5TR, reproach, censure. fosso, a bath. fosts, censured, vilified, abused. fga, worthless, injurious. fosy, secret, concealed. fosso, disorder, confusion. foss, war; an idol; the body. fon, unfortunate event. বিঘাত, a Spall. fossi, food, meal. foil, a bigha, nearly of an acre. f*IR, obstacle, detriment. fo, a whirlpool, whirlwind. fă, obstacle; repulse, danger. f:ATs, Ganesha. 07 বিজ foot", odour, smell; smelling. fs, hoof of a horse. f5:54, learned, clever, skilful. f5??, blind, perplexed. f5;ra, search, investigation. বিচাচক, the itch, a ringworm. f54, deviation, irregularity. fosso, dislocated, unsteady. fosso, investigation, judgment. f5so, a judge, investigator. f51#a, judging, investigating. বিচার সূত্র, a rule for judging. f5Isis, worthy of investigation. f5f=i, intervening, interval. firstät, straw. ffs, a wave; the testicles. fossfossil, doubt, error; uncouth. ffs 5, inquired after, sought for. ff5ā, variegated, gaudy; surprisfI5za, insensible. [ing. f(551:, averse, absent minded. বিচেটিত, carefully sought. fo, a temple. fosofs, excision, destruction. ffo, severed, separated, cleft. foom, severing, separation. বিছটী, বিছুটী, a kind of nettle. foss, sprinkling, strewing, kneading. fol, a scorpion, centipede. foso, spreading out, laying down. fgsal, a bed, rug, Carpet. fo, solitary, lonely, private.