বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২১৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

4) বিব forfoss, learned, wise. footos, maturity, unexpected result. fosso, a dart, an arrow. footsoal, a blister on the foot. ftfora, a wood, forest, thicket. fo, abundant, much, plentiful. বিপূয়, reed, rushes. fɛ, a brahman. faşis, reproached, censured. fayfè, abuse, contumely, insult. f235, distant, inferior, bad. footsovifa, objection, opposition. ft2f&fno, prohibited, prevented. footsorg, repentance, remorse. stał stof, opposite, contrary. feator, speaking adversely, dis putation, wrangling. fosts, departure. stfesz, disliked, disesteemed. foss, a particle of liquid. fTF#, vain, fruitless. दियूझ, expanded, open, blown. fool, a desire to speak. fTZ), one desirous of speaking. fāzāsts, quarrelsome, litigious. fos, a hole, burrow, cave. fora, description, narrative. faz son, relinquishing, deserting, quitting. fàzsí, discoloured, blushing, pale. fāzē, dancing, whirling; an error. fazri, not under control, weak. stz HR, stzz, naked, unclothed. P 2 বিভা foota, the sun. footo, a judge, an investigator. foota, dispute, controversy. foz Tri, banishment; unclothed. foto, wedding, marriage. fatfo, married, wedded. footay, marriageable; a bridegroom. [discriminating; pure. fafo, solitary, lonely, deserted; ffaf, various, diverse, sundry. foto, a pasture ground. fo, a god, a deity, a philosopher. fo.detailed,amplified,expanded. foss, narration, exposition, glos Sary. fog, revolving, whirling, rolling. fos, discernment, judgment; asceticism. foot, an ascetic; discriminating. frozsso, thoughtful, judicious. faz 571, consideration, reflection. foss, worthy of consideration. fŘtzTF1, a bridegroom, husband. fäcatzf, waketulness, vigilance. fo,involved introuble,distressed. বিব্রুবন, one who talks improperly. fro, divided, allotted. [perty. fάτττάi, born after division of profa Eff, division; termination. fossin, dividing, sharing. fầsz, eminence, grandeur, wealth, fel, brilliancy, lustre, beauty. fossos, the sun, fire. 11