বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২২২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বিশে 214 বিশ্ব fç*if*;, swinging, vibrating, | faC*r*J, distinguishable; a noun. oscillating. facasso, free from grief or sorrow. বিল্ল, a circular basin round the root of a tree for the purpose of watering it. foi, the wood-apple. făţă, a swarm, shoal. foro, bold, fearless, secure. footo, large, enormous. favorī, pure, clean. footosí, a hamlet. forg, doubt. forg, destruction. fassàJ, free from pain, at ease. farthF, killing, destroying. fa off-U, without branches, lopped. foots-Il, sixteenth lunar mansion. footz, W, learned, eminent, clever. frostā, great, large, extensive. fafotos, uncrested; arrow, needle. fafotoi, a house, বিশিষ্ট, invested with, genteel. fafxrj si, superiority, gentility. fàf*t*U, requiring to be discrimifogo, cleansed, rectified. [nated. frogfo, purity, holiness, correction. foL5& purgative, cathartic. fosso, disorderly, irregular. foots, peculiarity, difference, detail; peculiar, special, different. fosso, characteristic, attributive. focossa, attribute, an adjective. fTt*rīzi, especially, particularly. făT^TSR, consoling, comforting. faC*rto?, purifying, cleansing, corfrr, light, lustre. [recting. fr:, the universe; all, entire. f7#FF, a hound; sound, noise. fR*țzgssti, the sun, a divine artist. বিশ্বক omnipresent. foot, everywhere, universally. foss, one who goes everywhere. for Tai, Shiva, lord of the universe. foil, providence. făzii, fire, sun, moon. fa*{fzTJTTşi, university. fά<τχτ], omniscient, all-knowing. frr:ZJforst, pervading the universe. fāzēs, all-deceptive. f*f ggr, preserver of the world. frogs, the earth. বিশ্বযু, air. [prehending all. foot, assuming all forms, comfR*Hzīts, rustworthy, trusty. fosfoss, trusted, confided in. fo, all-creating; God. fog, believed, trusted, faithful. fossi, trust, faith, belief. fossosto, treacherous; a traitor. fosszúso, ground of confidence. footfit, faithful, trustworthy. fosys), worthy of confidence. foojo, grant, gift. fassà, trusted, tranquil, rested.