বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২২৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ব্যতি | czno, causing to know, under stand or guess. Cztofors, past comprehension. &Tostã, intelligent, acute, wise. বোধিত, declared; vigilant, wary. czizl, dumb, speechless. Cossos, an ornament for the waist. বোরপট্টী, a mat. Cossol, a sack, bag. &Tă, Czsät, speech. CȚIgzil, czTāzi, a wasp, a hornet. বোহিথ, a ship. . czì, daughter-in-law. co, a Jain, a Buddhist. zJArras, a mountain. z7Arize, cunning, deceitful. 375, manifest, evident, distinct. off, a person, case in grammar. zJfNoi, zJíæsø, individuality, personality. o, eager, zealous, ardent. o, activity, bustling effort. ziz , a smeer, satcasm, pun ; a frog. zjøjsfo, witty saying, sarcasm. FUSz, a fan, a winnow. Zoo, indicative, expressive. ZJ Gr, mark, consonant; sauce. 37-4-1, figurative style, irony. ofog, calamity; reciprocity. ব্যতিক্রম, variation, deviation. zysosz, reversed, inverted. of:2:4, annoyed, troubled, vexed. zjfëzTog, vexed, perplexed. 221 ব্যব z们创 *Ifogo, exception, separation. *JoJo, making exceptions. of H*, mutual agreement. ব্যতিহার, reciprocal action, barter. zy£t*, passel,excepteil,interdieted. ব্যতাপাত, portentous calamity.

  1. F, except, without besides

zTJEJzI, variation, deviation. *Ioso, painful, troublesome. Zjas", pain, ache, smart, distress. also, pained, distressed, hurt. zJoJ, bow-string. of 13, Wrong way. zjoios, pretence, fraud; a name. zIo¡C731, impostor; denominator. z)~|Ts, destruction. AJCoso, desire, particular request. zygoso, opposed, contrary, hostile. or, subtraction. oscow, dividing, cutting up. ozoto, a partition, interval. oil, zoois, occupation, trade, business. zīzol, a law, statute, rule. ojoso, a court of law. ozotorolegislator, judge, lawyer. ozotor, legislating, enacting. zJz fəğw, decreed, enacted, fixeil. ব্যবহরণীয়, according to custom. otos, usage, conduct, practice. KJZ-Toso, acquainted with usages. Zoo Toss, fit for use, customary. zyzso, interposed, parted.