বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৩৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ভর Ez, the world; birth; welfare. szag, a well-wisher. saysaor, conflagration of a forest. gztìrg, thine, yours. era, a house; production, being. so, probable, likely to take satist, a name of Durga. [place. ofs, present time. EzToo, like you. 52Ts'o, the ocean of the world. effo, welfare, prosperity. ēst szj, likely tohappen, probable. efotz, a poet. eftā, a lascivious person. ofsjs, future, about to be. Estajago, a prophet, predictor. sfossal, prophecy. Saj, likely; polite; auspicious. EzIJE1, politeness, urbanity. ssrst, a gimlet, an awl. seg, smoke, vapour ; a fly. s:gzItfä*1, a gadfiy. Eos, fear, dread, alarm, terror. Rogos, causing fear, terrible. gos, one who flies for fear. egoi, timid, fearful, cowardly. Egțztag, formidable, terrific. offo, afraid, alarmed, terrified. otoss, destructive of fear. Soszo, terrible, dreadful. sztá, fearful, afirighted, timid. Eos, weight, influence; full; fill. où, a potter. Q 25 電g霄 ors, filling up; mourishing ; wages, maintenance. 5gat, the second lunar mansion. orota, worthy of support. EZT 3, lord, king. ভরপু্য, price, wages. ভরপুর friend ; fire; moon. ভরণ্যভূক , hireling, mercenary. EZTE, a skylark; a weaver. 53 of Gi, a skylark; name of a celebrated sage. ভরপুর, full, brimful. 53 oil, hope, expectation; courage. soirét, full of hope, valiant. E31, enough to fill a measure; inll. osts, stopping up holes, filling. ostol, wages, hire, salary. s: tot, sinking of a laden ship; total loss. efoot, green colour. Efāsti, maintenance, support. o, güzo, fried fish. = GĘa, frying, parching, baking. 5 goazovità, a trying pan. Ego), fit to be nourished. Eosi, nourisher, protector, husband. sét, a load, cargo; fulness; ap pointed to an office. sy, husband, supporter. [viling sesta, reproaching, scolding, rees. Hal, scolding, reproach ; supexis, wages; gold. [port. o, a lance, an arrow; a bear.