বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৪০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মচ so, procuring abortion. sī ēff, a frown, scowl, glance, ভূেষণ, motion. ম । si#, a ladder, a harrow. si Bạr, a marriage crown. ¥IgA, churning. Nos, marine monster; deception. *Izozo, the Hindu Cupid. *Toggi, a medicine composed of gold, quicksilver, &c. soroi, the honey of a flower. মকরালয়, মকরী, the ocean. sĩ#5, a crown, diadem. Nozi, blossom. stfääzo, a fly. To, a sacrifice, oblation. Nosol, long pepper. Näs, immersed, sunk, overwhelmed. Ng1, the tenth lunar mansion. No.3, a mirror, looking-glass. *T*, the prow of a boat or ship. *Toi, welfare, prosperity; Mars. *Togio, vessel set before an idol. Noiziwi, a benediction, blessing. *Tozsos, Tuesday. STEFāfszre, propitiatory ceremony performed before engaging in any work. STSTFT,benevolent; a wellwisher. Tz zII, auspicious, agreeable. *I foot, a boat. [ing. WI5&T,wrenching,twisting, sprain 232 মণি STSiz, T&T, immersion, plunging. মজকৃৎ, bone. STEET, marrow, pith, sap. *Totcot, touching the quick. 57%, 57%3z5, platform, scaffold, stage. ST-BTT, toothpowder, eye-salve. T-KZT*i, germinating, sprouting. Soft, a bud, shoot; ear of corn. মঞ্জিষ্ঠ1, Indian madder. *Ifogs, ornament for the ancle. STEF, ST-ST1, beautiful, pleasing. ཙཱ་ཝུ་ 2 beautiful, fair. মঞ্জল, a portmanteau, a basket used to carry clothes &c. on a journey. মঞ্জুষা, a chest. STūzs, peas. isostität, figured silk, wearing apparel of Hindoo women. মটুক, a crown, diadem, tiara. sūzil, ridge of a thatched roof. *sūzotz, making the joints crack. soot, a large earthen jar. Ts, monastery, abbey; a temple. sTg<G, a pestilence, mortality. *Toi, the headman of a village. STF1, dead; a corpse. Myffoggi, a mother whose children die soon after they are born. *Too B1, ridge of a thatched roof. SIG F1, dry, frigid, brittle. Mossg:1, very dry, brittle, fragile. Nfa, a precious stone, gem.