বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৪২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মধ্যা মধুদ্র, a bee. মধুধাতু, a sort of pyrites. Toffo, a confectioner. Woof, a bee. - Istorzí,oblation of curdsandhoney. মধুমক্ষিক, a bee. Woo, sweet, agreeable, pleasant. Woo, intoxicating drink. মধুসুদন, মধুরিপু, মধুলিহ, names of Krishna. stol, the middle, centre; interval. Sojoso, mango-tree. - sojo, in the middle. sizJCW'ss, India, Bengal. sizja fit, being within or between. st:{Jst 5, middling, moderate. soft's, of a middling kind. ExfJST, middling, ordinary. Noss, the middle finger: *Tojitos, middling, tolerable. STATATE, midnight. *TøICăso, the earth. RIKJE, intervening; a mediator. *Tojo, the middle, centre; the waist. sizJotăţ, mediation, arbitration. s(371, the forefinger. zgjforritzì, centrifugal. sI#IIfssĩf#Ì, centripetal. T&ITSF, midday, noon. six stafogi, midday duties. *Totogressin, dinner, the chief meal of the day. 234 মলে। stoffsafzo, one who prepares and sells spirituous liquors, *Ifoggi, spirituous liquor. szt, a maund, forty seers. six-stoi, beautiful, charming. STF, mind, heart, conscience. *TRoost $1, mental distress, anguish. Mazo, purity of heart; conscienSTR:2łtziz, consolation. [tious. FTT: HALTtsf, attention, application son, thinking, reflecting, minding. Sossowat, goddess of serpents. stafogi, stafioso, the Hindu Cupid. s;raTst, mental desire, wish. *R*ig, reflection, perception. *Totos, mental pain, remorse. RI==ĘfÈ, gladness of heart. *TRog, determination, purpose. stroit, open-hearted, pure-mind ed; learned. ss=to, a little; slowly, tardily. safzal, a female elephant. stfö, conscious, aware. striţă, a black pigment for the eye. sittal, intellect, understanding. ITH, Manu, the legislator. [tal. =THE, ITG g, a human being, a morsT*J*J, a man, a humam being. so, manliness, humanity. scots, engaging, beautiful. sIC={fficzos, close attention. Notors, chosen, particularly liked.