বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৪৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মামী stoffo, belonging to midday. Trzt, respectability, hauteur. sInsify, offence, crime. stafss, a map, chart, sketch. মানত, মনিন, a vow. মান ধামিক1, a crab. [ing. sţss, minding, regarding, observsTzIzt, a vow, voluntary obligastol, worthy of regard. [tion. STRz, a man, a mortal. ಗನ್ದಸ್ತ,ಖ. instrument for measur ing time. stassfäos, observatory. *Tsoi, mental; intention, design. মানসালয়, মানসৌকাঃ, a gander. SIFTsoso, mental, imaginary. STTE, a gold chain for the waist. station, a goose, a duck. SITTIẾtz, disreputable, base. *Tsai, warning, prohibition. stfoss, persuading, prevailing on. stfozo, spirit; a seer in weight. stät, honoured, proud, sulky. STIR, a man, human being. sfoss), qualities of man. STfoss, diminution. SITEJ, honourable, respected. stoi, measure, weight; measuring. STor J, cupid. SII*s-, measuring, weighing. sfs[$t, scurf, scab, scale. *TIST, maternal uncle." *Tim, maternal uncle's wife. 240 মার্ক্স stol, illusion, trick; affection. FIfFfēifēi, conjuration, jugglery. ITTF, a juggler, a deceiver st offs, human sacrifice. StossW, an alligator. SITEItā frīzē, a deceiver, a cheat. Totos, unfeeling; free from illustfoss, magical; affectionate. [sion. Tig, gall, bile, bilious humour. মার, cupid ; death, destruction. *Toso, plague; destructive; slayer. sIIg;fjal, pugnacious. SIsosol, beating, striking, smiting, killing. STIFTSTF, fatal, mortal, deadly. starcos, a difficulty, a dilemma. STATIZF, fatal, mortal, deadly. Nist, a pestilence, plague. Stoss, the egg of a snake; way, ST:F5, wind, air. [road. stsí, a road, way, path, passage. মাগক, মাগশির, মার্গশীর্ষ, the eighth month of the Hindu year. stofo, searching, investigating. Ntoto, dear, high-priced, expensive. sITó, a washerman. Ničín, wiping, cleansing, rubbing. *Ifárú, forgiveness, remission. STút, a towel, rubber, duster. *Tá, barter, exchange, permutaমার্জার, a cat. [tion. Stésozo, a peacock. NIG 9, the sun.