বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৫৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মোহ cssta, useless; the trumpet-flower. CossCostfä, a wall, a fence. CETTE, mustaches; a blossom. CTBFTR,twisting, wringing,sprain ing. CŞT55, wiping off, releasing. GTf571, tongs, pincers, tweezers. GNT5, plantain-tree blossoms. GTER, wiping, cleansing, rubbing. csstö, the gross, total; a burden. cs[fāzi, pounding, grinding. GTsūl, thick, fat, coarse, gross. csstättsiifo, in the gross. city, a twist, bend, beast's udder. GT5-5, a wrapper, twisted paper. CSIRol,a footstool; anything twisted. GTsūso, bending, turning about, overlaying. CSITW, pleasure, delight. CSITWAF, confectioner; delighting. CSITW1, shut, closed; a closing. CSITWI-IJ, a mango tree. CSITs, a weight of 40 seers. csstal, pestle of a rice-mortar. CSITN, wax, bees' wax. - cs/TSVETH, waxcloth, cerecloth. [ler. CTTTF, a robber, plunderer, swindc=TS-, robbing, plundering, swind ling. CŞsso, infatuation, delusion. CETTE G, a devotee, ascetic, hermit. CŞfos, a coin, a seal, a stamp. forgiving, 246 যকু gsTIfës, infatuated, bewildered. costs:t, a fascinating woman. coil, honey, nectar of flowers. মেীকুলি, a crow. মৌক্তিক, a pearl. co-off, insolence, scurrility. oforo, oral; pretended, outward. মৌচাক, a honeycomb, hive. মৌঢ্য, insensibility, ignorance. cssostfä, a crow. মৌন, silence; silent, tacit. মৌমাছি, a bee. [thers. costgrä, a fan of peacocks' feacoloff, ignorance, stupidity. off, a bowstring, a chord. co, radical, of pure extraction. coil, a kind of mat. cifi, the head; diadem, topknot. মৌস্থত্ত্বিক, an astrologer. Sool, smearing, sprinkling. মুদিম, gentleness, mildness. মুদিষ্ট, gentlest, mildest. fETTF, dying, melancholy, sad. #so, stolen, robbed. RTF, faded, pale, disturbed, sad. şTff , sadness, languor, fading. fo, imperfect speech. Cosă, a barbarian. CETRETHJ, copper. য যক,যক্ষ, Kwers's treasurer. *Ios, the liver, liver-complaint.