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পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৬২

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

রান্ধী origit, worship with sacrifice. Argos, a sacrifice by an emperor attended by tributary kings. zotēso,a horse. Afāq, tribute, taxes; king's due. zrfāz^H, a gander. origii, a king, a sovereign. orfeitãs, royal edict. #Toffo sigi, supreme sovereign. #T&Tafā, list of kings. gift, afé, a row, rank, series, line. atfää, a water snake. #Titz, a waterlily, lotus. রাড়ী, a Queell. ori ST, a kingdom, empire, realm. £15753, politics. - assister, essential of government. #TEItforzo, inauguration to the throne. #TEEsof, the reigning sovereign. z ff, war, battle. #TE. uncivilised, rude, barbarous. offs', the sloping side of a slight of steps; a title. ofot, a queen. †ssfyiso, by night, in the night. offs, might. ostfä54, moving at night. #Tfossos, course of night. #Tājā, a night-prowler. #TEJo, not able to see at night. £fo, ripe, boiled. #Toso, demonstrated by facts. 254 রছি ostal, cooking, cookery. of{Toss, a kitchen, cookroom. ofa, a sound, noise, shout, yell. Žssad, a king of Ceylon. রাভসিক, rash. At:I, hero of the Rdmáyana. #Tss-root, a kind of chalk. #TTETofi,the large beardless goat. #TTTE, the monkey Hanumán. Atsız HaT, a rainbow, Ramá’s bow. Ff>Ti, a beautiful woman. {T}s, a votary of Ráma. #TTTTs, a celebrated epic poem describing the war between Ramchundra and Ravana. Ziffiti, Indian cupid. #TT, title of honour; a prince. #TTT, illness, disease. Hfzări, a bambu spear. ZITZIzTfziâm., a vixen, termagant. osta'i, resin. #ffs, a heap, stock; zodiacal sign. off-sto, the zodiac. atforts, an astrological name. z Trst;F5, heaped up, accumulated. § 13, country, realm; notorious. রাষ্ট্রবিপলবরাষ্ট্রভঙ্গ, insurrection, revolution. offo, play, sport, toying, dalliance. {frio, an ass. - #TTTTG1, a festival of Krishna. #TE, the ascending node. #T&oso, eclipsed, seized by Ráhu.