বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৬৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

লৌকি ors, stolen goods; water of the eye, tear. Coitos, wiping out, extinction. লোপাক, লো পাপক, লোপাশক, a jackal. Coilo, stole goods, booty. Cățe, desire to get, covetousness. caissatz, alluring, tempting. cătăt, eager to get, covetous. costs, hair, down, wool. Gil Igoi, pore of the skin. costs”, hairy, woolly, shaggy. cäfst** s, horripilation, bristling coissois, sulphate of arsenic. [up. Cătăssos, horripilation, thrilling. &Tsoi, tremulous, hanging loose. cāfāzē, a pendant, pendulum; an ornament for the nose. Cătăl, the tongue; eager desire ; Lakshmi. costfoss, plump, flabby, loose. CăTâ’i, very covetous, greedy. লোস্ট, লষ্ণু লোষ্ট্র, a clod of earth. CETTE, iron; blood. csatzzēt g, magnet, loadstone. লোহকিট্ট, sulphate of iron. লোহ দ্রার্বী, borax, লোহবর, gold. Cătăl, iron; blood. লোহার, লোহকার, a blacksmith cxiffè E, bloody, red, sanguine. লোহিতায়ঃ, copper. comfää, current, popular, worldly. 261 শঙ্ক cofol, state of being popular. cams, iron; preparation of iron. *I *is, prosperity, welfare. *I*\Z[T. water. ***, fortunate, lucky. *ion, spoken, mentioned. ** YJ, praiseworthy. * , an era, epoch. *Too, a wagon, hackery, chariot. *Tog1, a wagon, cart, hackery. *ioso, the sweet potato. *soi, rind, bark; scales; port, portion. *izoit, fish. o *t*t*71, era of Sháliváhana. *f**, *f*fâ, a vulture. * FR F1, a lizard. *G*, excrement. *so, “tzoff, *sag, a bull, an ox. *to, firm, hard, strong, austere. *I of F, strength, hardness, rigour. *ifo, strength, power, ability. শক্তিমান, strong, powerful. *To flour of parched grain. **, ***ś, speaking agreeably. *{zFJ, practicable, possible. *Tool, the rainbow. শক্রমূদ্ধা, white ant, ant-hill. *IGFT-IJ, an owl. *Izózs, a bull, an ox. *tas, an elephant. *to, a bull that draws a cart.