বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৮০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


  1. Axist, one who restrains, ruler.

Hoxts, ceremonial fast ; restraint. #Asso, connected with, related to. #xotsi,connection,contact, union. #x0xistin, connection, concurrence.

  1. Azorg, anger, wrath, fury, rage. 5Azitz, sound, report. #2, #3, shut up, obstructed. Foy, produced, grown. #2-#3t, stuck together, connected. #2 stoo, a brave soldier, veteran. Ha otzi, doubt, hesitation,suspicion. 5A*iziosis, hesitating, suspicious. Ha triffT, cleansing by ablution. ****, promise, agreement,assent.

sixoto, protection, refuge, shelter.

  • HxfsfG, protected, sheltered. #Afää, connected, adjoining. riotăţă, connection, embrace. #Aoss, Hoss,delusion, sorcery. Roß, associated, attached to. **Giff, proximity; acquaintance. o, an assembly, society. Woof, intercourse, living together. Ha HTZT, the world, secular state. #&##, combined, connected. সংসৃষ্টী, union, co-partnership. HA ETFs, purifying rite; perfection, #&#14:5,a purifier, perfecter.[idea. ΣΙ^*E, consecrated, purified. Gio, fellow-countryman, a spy. F^*TR, pecuniary state, property. oioioso, he who establishes.

272 मड्क्तः H^*I*s-, establishing, fixing, settling. of so, capital, wealth, standing. Hoof, close contact, grasp,touch. Harri B, brought into contact, felt. Gioffā, a sheep. H^*F±3, opened, disclosed. #Azoë, war, battle. সংস্কৃতি, remembrance, memory. Hoso, connection, mixture. Fio, conglomerated; destroyed. sixafo, an assemblage, a heap." #&##1, a murderer, a destroyer. সRহষ, ecstacy. offs, destruction, clearance. ***Too Ti, putting to rights. Hofs, collected, compounded. Hofol, compilation,arrangement. Fio, destroyed. ***, bashful, modest. Woos, paying revenue, taxable; provided with hand or trunk. #&#6, compassionate, plaintive. #Exito, active or transitive (verb). #zo, all, the whole. roofs, desirous, longing, lustful. Hzētstrzsz5f3f, obscene talk. Motoi, the early morning. সকাশ, near. Toi, a kinsman, relation. Toij, a distant relation. Hos, once, at once; ordure. £5, attached, devoted.