বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৮৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

সনদ 57.1%, new, novel. *CWJTSiso, fresh, recent, new. *ść, good conduct. ofol, a married woman, a wife. সধর্মিণী, a lawful wife. riff, fire. সধীচী, female friend or companion. সষ্ট্রং, a male companion. 5*, *, a written order. (a1, ±Î=ts, always, perpetual. সনাতন, eternal, permanent. sHarfs, n ki ns,,,an সনিত, celebrated, renowned. সনীড়, near, close. oss, folded hands. WSE, eternal, continuous. Fisso, a child; offspring. AS3, Scorched, heated; distressed. ofossi, deep darkness. *ioso, swimming, floating. *Szís, satisfying, pleasing. *STF, a child, offspring. *śios, anguish, remorse, woe. offs, charity ; end. *śā, pleased, gratified, satisfied. সন্তষ্টি, pleasure, satisfaction. *ioioso, putting in spice, season ing food. zitsis, gratification, pleasure. TTS", tongs, pincers, nippers. *īvā ē, stringing together, arrang ing, composition.

  • FR*f-, looking, viewing, meeting.

2 75 সপি সন্দানিত, tied, confined. Hotfit, a cow-house. *Fi*, escape, flight. সন্দিগ্ধ, doubtful, suspicious. zīzī, bedstead. *C**t, a sweetmeat; a report. **, doubt, hesitation. [gency. C-a g:5-r, uncertainty, contin*Coifa, heap, pile. **T*, retreat, slight. of, adhering; tracing, seeki Ing. Fifi, alliance, peace; a joint. *ion, twilight, evening. Too, armed, wearing an amulet. of To, an armour, coat of mail. Fisso, near, close at hand. *ifos, nearness; attraction. *if oğ,attracted, drawn together. সন্নিধান, সন্নিধি, proximity. offivsso, morbidness of the mours of the body; total fall. offi, intent upon, absorbed in. সন্নিবেশ, devotedness; nearness. Fife, like, equal. *isofo, adjacent, close at hand. TRITH, asceticism, monastic life. Fästät, an ascetic, a devotee. ***, of the same party; winged. **so, enemy, foe. Hoso, one of several wives. *instantly, orthwith quickly. ***sji, worship, adoratiom. Hfois, a kinsman.