বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৮৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

সস্থ 2 o, woos, fit to be argued. সমৃদ্ধ, prosperous, increased. Hofoprosperity, wealth; a crowd. #Coso,with,joined with,along with. Hezifē, property, wealth,affluence. *** H, prosperity, affluence. *{**{*I, affluent ; completed. #oro, connection, relationship. #zzofo, related to, relative. **T*, descending, alighting. Hzortzī£5,a manger, one who accomplishes any thing. [effecting. **ITF, finishing, completing, HotWJ, problem. Fi*já, filled, full, complete. ***, mixed, united, inlaid. সম্প্রতি, now, at present. [tive. 3Tr»[712T, giving, conferring ; daসম্প WT3, a company, club, party. সমৰ্পলব, sorrow, grief. সমফাল, a sheep. ****{{T, a whole year, a year. o, connection; possessive case. Hoft, a relative; wife's brother. Hotz, relating to, relative. Hazra, checking, keeping under. ###, end of the world. সম্বন্ধক, honouring, augmenting. Hool,honour, respectful welcome. Foi, provision for a journey; stock. ofo, provided with, containing. H=T7, intelligence, news, tidings. সস্থল, spikenard. সর -

  • Coffs, addressing; vocative case. সম্বুদ্ধি, welcome. HEz,birth,contingency; probable. সম্ভবন,

agreeing. #ETZR1, possibility, practicability. Frgtzs, fulness, multitude. sitgfzTs, conversing; discourse. o, born, produced, sprung from. Horso, joint-stock trade. FCogtss, enjoyment, possession. *TEIT. honour, respect, reverence. সড়ান্ত, honoured, respected. *T*, of the same mind, willing. #Asso, assent, acquiescence. H-IIF, joy, gladness. সম্মদ, battle, war, combat. Hoss", honour, esteem, respect. जग्राख्छौँो, a broom, besom. rifoss, like, equal. #stors,closing,shutting (the eyes.) of, front, place in front. সম্মুoft, mirror, looking-glass. FPTV, full; affected. সমৃস্ট, cleamsed, purified. FICTIF, joy, gladness. #so, mixed with, joined to. To good, capital, perfect. HSITEJ, empire. *Isà, an independent sovereign. GIC-IIf, betel-nippers; a female friend.

    1. , cream, curds, thick milk.

tallying, corresponding,