বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৯১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

সন্ধি 28: Rios, marrow, essence; manure. #13so, laxative, purgative. *II g <!}}, m dunghill, dungheap. #Toszi, an intoxicating liquor. Fitzroy, a bow made of horn; deer. #13 S, butter. [right. Fitzss,improving, repairing, setting #To fo, traveller, wayfarer. zsizsit, a rivulet. of 3 “s, egg of a serpent. sitzrfaf, a charioteer. Fitzrut?, manure, a dunghill. সারমেয়, a dog. [cerity. FitzrzīJ, straightforwardness, sinHăria îi e,compilation, collection. osso, a crane. Higst,femalecrane; window-glass. Fitzsi, whole; mending; slaughter. Hosts, getting mended or repaired. Assisosos, quintessence, best part. #Tortos, pith, chief meaning. ofosso, vital, pithy, vigorous. Fissolios, substance and vanity. #ff, a line, row, range, tier. HIfã=īt, lute, guitar, violin. #son, a kind of parrot, a mina. Asoo’s], perfect resemblance. Wisco toss, a compendium, drift. সার্থ, having a meaning. সার্থক, answering an end, sensible. #Tofo, effectiveness, significancy. সাদ্র, wet, moist, damp, watery. Jifá, with one hali over, সিড়ী sitol, with, in company of. সাপৰ, সাপি নুক, pertaining to ցի: or clarified Lutter. *Toolsåø,suited to all times, per ennial. Hfzéfazo, universal. সাৰ্ব্বভৌম, a universal sovereign. *Toss, stone adored as Vishnu, *ifštig?, a dog, a jackal. সালুর, a frog. FICosio], a dwelling with the gods. Filotozo, a lizard. #To so, a blanket. Alès, cheapness, abundance; help, assistance. Fitot, mother-in-law. HIRT1, the dewlap of an ox. #Toi, angular; in tears. FTS ETFT,proud,imperious.haughty. #TES-II, association, fellowship. Giso, courage, boldness, daring. isofo, courageous, bold, daring. #To loso, help, aid. isotos), assistance, patronage. His sty,companionship, connection. HI&zosos, rich, wealthy, opulent. foot, a baling-vessel. fo, a lion; sign Leo; chief. for ass, a gate, main entrance, fioto, a lion's roar, war-cry. foots, rust upon iron. fria FIHTI, a throne. সিড়ী, flight of steps, ladder,